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The    characters

1.  Kunjan  ( a jobless  rubber tapper)
2. Ammini  ( his wife)

Kunjan's  small  house at Paika,near  Pala. Ammini  is sweeping  the  yard. Enter Kunjan. He is carrying  a painting brush.


Why  so  early   today ?


No  more work. There's no space left to write the election


How's  the campaign  going on ?


Actually, I have lost interest in the election campaign. This is too
long and boring. I wish all this  was over quickly.The campaign
period is too long, and the people are losing interest. Furthermore,
the people's primary concern is how to escape the burning sun,and to find clean  drinking water.


Your  Front's  election manifesto  promises milk and honey!


The   UDF  manifesto  promises  Manna  from heaven. Actually,
the manifestos  of both sides  are boring and worthless like a telephone  Directory, seldom read.


Anyway, what will be the outcome, according to your projections?


On  19th  May, there will be a Tsunami in Kerala, which will 
change the face of the land. There will be landslides, groundswells,
cloudbursts, photofinishes, grumbling  and tears. There will be total


Don't be circumspect. Come straight to the point. LDF or  UDF?


It's   unpredictable. It's nobody's  guess. Anything is possible.
Whatever  be the outcome, the plight of the common man will
continue unchanged, because no Front has a magic wand to put
things in order. The common people are suffering  due to lack of
clean drinking water, fresh air, quality healthcare etc etc.


Who is to blame?


No  matter  who wins, the blame game will continue. The animosity  will continue. I think the election system is outdated
and counterproductive.


I don't  find any fault in the system. It's free, fair  and transparent.


No it's  not fair. " The winner takes it all'  system is unfair and outdated. It  excludes  the people who  vote for the loser or losers.


I  don't  understand. What  do you mean?


Let me explain it simply. For example, suppose here in Pala, Mani Sar
gets   65000 votes, and  Mani  Kappen gets  64500 votes. So Mani
Sar  wins with a thin  margin of  500  votes. So what about Kappen and  the thousands of people who voted  for  him ? This  situation  creates  enormous   frustration and animosity.This is a
phenomenon  throughout   Kerala. This should  change.


So, what's  the solution?


According to my humble opinion, the number 2 also must be accommodated.


Ha, ha, pure  nonsense. How is it possible?


Don't   ridicule my idea. My opinion is that there should be an Upper House and Lower house of the Assembly, like the Lok Sabha
and  Rajya Sabha.


That's not practicable.


Don't  jump the gun. Let me finish. The winners  occupy the Assembly  as usual. The Number 2s  become members of the Lower House,but they won't have the voting rights. They can debate all the issues in a constructive manner.In this way, the millions of people who voted for the Number 2s  can be included in the democratic process. The Number 2s are equally capable and talented. They  should get  due recognition  for their potential.You saw the heartbreaks of  those who didn't get party tickets.


I  don't  think anybody  would endorse your absurd idea.


You may  ridicule me, OK. But in a democracy, there should be
ways and means to reduce the frustrations and disappointments of all the people. Deserving leaders should get a chance to display their  capabilities. I am sure ,one day ,people will  embrace my idea.I am going to publish my idea in the social media.You know that, in sports, there are Gold, Silver and Bronze medals. Why? The top three need to be appreciated, honoured and  encouraged. The same example should be followed in politics. At least a Silver for position 2.


Good luck, Chetta.


Will  you support me ?


Definitely. It's a good idea. What  we  want is peace and harmony in Kerala. 


Thanks, dearest.



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