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   The   characters

1.  Kunjan  ( 40)  :  a  casual  labourer
 2. Ammini  (35)  : his  wife

30th   June  2015

( A small house in the Aruvikkara  Constituency. 11 a.m. Ammini
is  feeding goats in the yard. She is very upset about something.
Enter  Kunjan, in a happy mood. He is carrying  a duck.}


Hey,dear, why are you very gloomy today? 


Oh,nothing. It's only a minor headache. Why did you buy an extra
duck? The duck that you bought two weeks ago is already cut
and ready for cooking. Why do you waste money in these difficult
times,buying ducks almost every week?

I shall explain it shortly. I know you are very upset about 
the LDF's rout. Forget it. There's no use crying over spilt
milk. I used to tell you time and again that LDF means the Lost
Democratic Front. Now I'm  vindicated. I didn't expect such a
resounding victory  for Sabareenath. I expected a thin majority of
about 2000 voes for Sabari. The people voted mercilessly against
your party. They found no mitigating  circumstances for your party.


Whatever it is, why waste money on another duck ?


Ok. let me explain the whole duck saga. Today, there's an acute
shortage of ducks in the Aruvikkara  market, as I predicted a fortnight  ago. All the ducks had been bought by the thirteen
''duck'  candidates. I bought this one in the black market at double
the normal price because  an unprecedented joyous occasion like
this  will occur only next year.


If you are so keen about celebrating, do it yourself. I have nothing
to do with it. I have a headache.

( Kunjan  tries to hug Ammini in a conciliatory   manner, but
she evades it.)


I haven't  finished my story. The first duck is for  celebrating
Sabari's  victory. The second one is to celebrate NOTA's victory,
surpassing the votes that  the AKVP ( All  Kerala  Road-based
Party or വഴിയാധാരം   Party)  got,despite  much  fanfare.


What's  NOTA ?


I don't  know how to explain it. It's abstract. It's an invisible candidate; shall I say  a spirit or a ghost. Anyway, it beat the
road-based party to the fifth place in Aruvikkara.


Our  party's   downfall is very  pathetic.It's  really hopeless.


It's what's  called 'to dig one's own grave'. 


Chetta, please  don't  rub  salt on a wound.


Actually  I'm  withholding my comments, just for your sake.
But I have to remind you that no-one should underestimate the
common people of today. Unlike the people of the past, who were
called donkeys, today's people are lions. If any political party
provokes it, it might tear  that party to pieces.As  for the LDF or CPM, they  provoked the lion, with violent politics and  foul
language. Pinarayi's  ''paranari' usage  cost his party  millions of
votes. VS's  "araattumundan'  usage against AK Antony   cost the
LDF a few thousand votes.


Today  is a  bad  day  for  me.


Leave the shocking  defeat behind you. Bring  some hot water.
It's  getting late. I want to prepare this duck. 


Ok. I shall bring it now,now.  ( exit)





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