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An accused  person in the dock never admits  that he is guilty of the
crime he is accused of. His  lawyer would try  all the tricks in his legal
arsenal   to get a ' not  guilty' verdict.

In politics and in sports, the same trend  prevails. In the elections held
in Maharashtra  and  Haryana, the Congress  was  thrashed. Yet, all sorts
of  arguments and  statistics are put  forward to cushion  from
 the shock of
the  defeat. This is a  common  practice  of all parties, including  the

The  arguments  go like this:

"  We  got fewer  seats, but we have increased  the percentage  of our
" The  BJP  played  the communal  card, and misled the people.''
" We  got  fewer   seats, but  our support base is  still solid, intact.''
" The  ruling  party  misled the people  with  empty  promises.''
 When  a  party wins an election, everything  is OK. No complaints.
The defeated  candidate would try  a petition in the High Court, as a last
resort  to unseat  his opponent, citing  corruption in the election campaign.

In  some countries, the losers would  complain :

"  The  elections  were  rigged.''

In  sports, the losers  often  come forward with  flimsy  excuses and

"  The  referee was biased against us. We were robbed of victory.''

''  Our  players  played well, but today luck  didn't   favour  us.''

" The  massive  support  of the home-crowd  contributed to our rivals'
'' The  long  journey  and  the  unfamiliar ,  unforgiving  weather
   conditions  exhausted our  players.''

 "  Injuries  adversely  affected  our  performance.''

When  children  fail in examinations, there are excuses like:

"  The  teaching in the school isn't  up to  standard."

"  I  didn't  get  enough  time to answer all the questions.''

"  Some  questions were out of the syllabus.''

"  There's  something  wrong in the marking. "

So it is  difficult  to accept  defeat. There's always  scope for excuses.
The  defeated party or person uses  excuses as a crutch  to  lean on.



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