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Finally, Winter   has   withdrawn , after  wreaking  havoc in the  final  stages.
Life  is  back to normal  after  three  months  of  generally   cold  weather
conditions. There  are signs  of  a new  awakening  everywhere- in the  form
of  flowering   peaches, plums, apricots  etc, and  above all, hordes  of  birds
appearing   on the trees and  on  the ground, celebrating  the  arrival  of Spring.
The  number  of  birds visiting my compound  has  increased  dramatically,
mainly   due to  the  disappearance   of  Appu, my cat, whose  memory evokes
much  pain. He  disappeared in April, due to a misunderstanding. Perhaps  he
wanted  to return  after a  few days, but  some kind of  disaster  struck, and
he  is confirmed  dead. The  birds are aware of this, and  now they  are
everywhere, because  there's  no  fear of imminent  attack.

Ram, the  weaver  bird, has  returned , and has  started his futile  exercise  of
 building  nests. He  was  away  for  4 months, to escape from the icy  winter.
We   had  a  short  conversation ,  during  his break.


Where's  our  friend, Appu ?

Don't   mention his name. It  triggers  very  painful  memories. I just want
to bury  those  memories.


 Why?  what  happened ?

He is  presumed  dead.


   What  happened ?  Be  frank. He was a  good  friend. I'm  very  sorry.


He  left  in protest  about  something. Some kind of misunderstanding.


  He  is  sorely  missed.


Anyway, there's  a  good  lesson  to be  learned  from  this  sad  incident, especially
  for the youth.


What  lesson?


Some  children   quarrel  with  their  parents   for  very  insignificant  reasons, and
 run away  from their  homes. They  jump into  conclusions. They  want to teach
their  parents  a lesson. Perhaps  they  intend to return  after a few days, but they
 sink  deeper and  deeper into  trouble, from where there are no escape routes.


That's  most  regrettable.


The  worst  thing is that  some youngsters  commit   suicide, for  problems
that  can be  solved  very  easily. For example, we have heard of girls who
have committed  suicide, simply  for having been denied a  bank loan for
higher   studies, or  after  being  cheated by boys. There are boys and girls
who  commit suicide  simply for  failing an exam.


Do  you mean that  Appu  committed   suicide ?


No, but  his  sudden  departure  ended in  some kind of  tragedy. The lesson
to be  learned is that, no matter how  serious  your problem is, share it with
somebody. Don't  allow your  problem to develop  into a bomb that will  consume
 you in a ball of fire. Talk  to  somebody, to your  parents, teachers, peers etc etc.
There are so many  people  willing to offer a helping  hand....


I   shall   follow  your  advice.


I'm   very  happy  to  hear  that.


  Thanks. Bye.









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