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I  haven't   posted anything  since  30th June  because  I  was defeated by the freezing  cold  weather in  South Africa. Apart from the cold, the departure of  colourful birds, and the drying of  beautiful  flowers  augmented the  sense of  loss and defeat.

Yes, 2014 is a year  of defeat, no matter  whether  one has achieved  personal  successes. This is because  most of us are shareholders  of the victory or defeat of  political  parties or  sports teams , of which we are supporters. Nobody  can be a 'nota'
or  ' asadhu'  in these  turbulent times when the channels  bombard  us with in-depth analysis  of  everything ' live', no matter how trivial  the  matter  may be.

First  came  the shock  defeat  of the Congress ( UPA?)  at the  parliamentary  elections
in India. That  defeat was  most pathetic, tragic and  one-sided. It  was crushing, demolishing, decisive , unquestionable  and final. The  defeat was not on the basis of any ideological  differences between the BJP  and the Congress. It was simply boredom that antagonised  the  people  against  the  Congress. The people became extremely  bored  with the faces of  Manmohan Singh, Sonia  Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi
etc  and  with their empty  rhetoric, especially     with  the 'secularist ' agenda. The
people  wanted  new faces.

I  don't  know the full form of the acronym UPA. Is it  Useless  Parties' Alliance  or
Underdog  Parties  Alliance ? Whatever  be the  expansion, the DMK  got 0.

Ironically, in Kerala, both the UDF and  the  LDF   tasted  bitter defeat, even though
there was no third  party who won seats. Even though the UDF  won 12 seats out of 20,
the victory  was dampened by the defeat  at the Centre, whereby  many Central Ministers  became  ' sadha' ( ordinary ) MPs. The  UDF  lost at least two seats by self-goals, in Chalakkudy and  Trichur, and the LDF  one seat in Kollam, by the 'paranari'
In  South  Africa, the  ANC  won the elections, but its victory  was marred by the
emergence  of  the EFF ( Economic  freedom Fighters)  under the leadership  of  firebrand  youth leader, Julius  Malema, as a militant  opposition  party, with 25 MPs
in the  Parliament. The new party  has become a thorn in the flesh of the ANC.In the
past, the DA, the main  opposition party, was maligned as  the running dogs of  whites.
Now, the ANC  is facing a new enemy in the form of the EFF, a party  whose support
base  is  the  disgruntled, unemployed  black  youth.

To  add insult  to injury, most Malayalees  are  now  experiencing  the defeat of
Brazil   in the  World  Cup. Most  Malayalees  support  South  American  teams,
not only  because of the South Americans' legendary  track record of victories in the World Cup , but also  because of  Malayalees' ' leftist  leanings'. Today, the majority
of    Malayalees  are  looking   forward to  Argentina's  victory. When  you support a  team, you have all sorts of arguments  in support of your team, like  a  lawyer  presenting  his /her  arguments  in  a court of  law. But the outcome is determined the
players in the field. All the evidence in the previous matches  point  to a victory  by  Germany. This  is because the Germans  played well and scored  well. The Argentinians  played  well, but didn't  score well. That makes the difference.

Regardless  of the outcome of today's  final, millions  of people  would  remember 2014 as the year  of  defeats. 



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