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Sunday,30 October

Cathay Pacific flight to Hong Kong took off at 12.40 PM, only 10 minutes behind schedule.Everything was in perfect order.But some hours later,the pilot made a surprising announcement."Due to excessive load,we have to land in Bangkok for refueling."

I was greatly rattled by this, and worried about the unpleasant prospect of missing the connecting flight to Sydney,which was 1 hr 40 minutes after landing.As feared,the Sydney flight had already gone when we landed in Hong Kong, but our fears were proved wrong by the efficiënt handling of the flight delay by
Cathay Pacific ground staff.All the alternative arrangements had been put in place ;boarding pass for the 7 pm flight, meal vouchers,and a voucher for accommodation at Hong Kong Sky Marriott Hotel.They also gave is a Mobile Phone to inform relatives about the flight delay.

In fact,the flight delay turned out to be a blessing in disguise because we got much-needed rest at the hotel.The buffet lunch exceeded all expectations.Even Kerala pappadam was available.The pork items were par excellence.

The Cathay Pacific's Service is excellent in all respects,and they deserve 10 out of 10.

We arrived in Sydney at 7 a.m on Tuesday morning.The Immigration and Customs clearance took only 15minutes.We had carefully avoided prohibited or questionable things in the baggage to forestall unnecessary
trouble at the Customs.
Siby was already waiting for us .We proceeded to Epping, about 35 kms from the airport.


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