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Vagamon doesn't need any introduction. It's known as a place of unique biodiversity, a favourite location for film shooting, and a popular destination for day visitors.

We set out for a day trip to Vagamon on Sunday, 8 May,from Kottayam. The roads in Kottayam District are generally of international standards,particularly the road from Pala to Erattupetta. On our way, we stopped at Bharanganam to attend Holy Mass, and for breakfast in the Canteen. Initially, I was doubtful about the service there, because often, in such places where large number of people gather, the services may not be satisfactory. But I was proved wrong  by the good service and the quality of the food served there. Indeed Bharanganam is an exemplary pilgrim centre, with excellent roads, ample space for parking ,scenic beauty etc.

Personally speaking, Kerala's beauty is felt when we move away from city centres, and climb uphill through winding roads,watching the hills and mountains. As the roads are good, the journey was  very enjoyable. A few kilometres before Vagamon,
there's a resting place where travellers can park and
relax.Some vendors do brisk business there, selling small items. There's a fantastic view of the hills and the winding roads below. 

We reached the Vagamon pine forest at about 11 a.m.
It was very cool there, with a breeze giving a feather touch.There's ample space for families and other groups to walk about, or sit down under the imposing pines. It doesn't look like Kerala there. 

The beauty of the place is marred by the widespread 
littering there. It's really shocking and disappointing. It's about one km from the main road to the pine forest. The path is full of waste paper,plastic,crushed  bottles etc.No cleaners were seen;nor was there any advice or warning against littering.Even if a visitor wants to place waste in a dustbin, there's no dustbin nearby. There's a big concrete waste bin far away, already overfilled with waste. 

As the election campaign is in the 11th hour, the political parties are engaged in dirty tricks to score 
Politically.The main strategy is to tarnish the image 
of opponents by launching personal attacks. Nobody is bothered about issues like littering. The smiling face of the local sitting MLA,is seen on posters all along the way. Maybe, she doesn't see littering as an issue. 

After spending two hours there, we returned with a bit of disappointment. 


  1. Nice writing.. Check out my experience..

  2. Nice writing.. Check out my experience..

  3. Hi, very well written about your experience in Vagamon. Thanks for sharing about this wonderful post. It is one of the best places to visit in Kerala.If anyone wants to visit this place, book your bus tickets in Online Bus Ticket Booking portal.


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