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The characters
1.The  killer /rapist
2. A Bengali worker
3. Bindu  ( 25) a poor girl

Scene 1

Near aThattukada  in a slum area in Kochi. There's a smell of repeatedly -used  oil and spices. The smell of cigarette smoke too. Loud talk in different languages. Enter the killer. He searches for somebody in the crowd. He identifies the Worker, and calls him aside.


Sanyal, I want to ask you a favour.


What favour?


The thing is, I am going on a trip to Ootty. Unfortunately, I forgot my jacket and hat. Can you please lend me your jacket and hat?


It's all right, but my jacket and hat are very dirty. I never washed them. It's not suitable for you. It stinks.


Don't worry. I'll get it dry -cleaned.


If you don't mind the rotten smell, take it.


No problem.

The worker gives the jacket and the hat.He gives some money to the worker.


( aside) These dirty things will make the police 's work easier in case the need arises.But  I think nothing undesirable will happen. All depends on Bindu's response. The ball is in her court The choice is hers.

He wears the jacket and the hat.



An isolated area of the city.It's dim. 6.30 PM. There's the deafening roar of passing trains. Bindu's shack is slightly visible. Enter the killer, wearing the Bengali's jacket and hat.

 The  killer-rapist ( to the audience  )

You know, opportunities  occur very rarely. Make hay while the Sun shines. Today is an auspicious day. There's no time to waste. Bindu's mother has gone for a funeral, and she will not return today. I hope that Bindu will respond favorably to my advances. All will be peaceful and amicable if she dances to my tune. Everything will be in order if she  acts  wisely.

You girls, you always complain that you aren't safe. It's unfair to complain. You must ensure your safety by adopting an open door policy. Don't be stubborn. Just say "yes " or "Come in " and everything will be OK.

But, if you choose to be stubborn, I don't know how things will turn out. Anyway I am determined to accomplish what I want.

Please be aware that this the golden era of rapists and killers in Kerala. All  factors are skewed in our favour. There's no fear of the death penalty. Easy conditions of bail, light sentences, easy parole, and above all, wholehearted support from the 'human rights ' activists. They are waiting on the wings to lend us support.

Sorry, I have wasted my precious time rambling.

He moves to the shack and knocks on the door.

Bindu  ( from within )

Hey, who is there? Go away.


Open, please


No,no..Please leave me alone.


You know me. I want to have a word with you.


I say No.

The killer kicks the door in. Bindu screams.


Oh..somebody ..Please help. ..Good people. ..Please help.

The sound of something breaking down. The girl's screams are drowned by the roar of a passing train. It's very quiet now.

After 20 minutes, the killer -rapist emerges from the shack. He has left the Bengali's jacket and hat inside.



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