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The Critic's Choice-a review of Sony Karackal's poem 'Kavithavishayam'

                                          The  Critic's Choice

Facebook is a flooded river,carrying a lot of good things and bad things,bursting its
banks  due to the endless addition of new stuff in every split  second.It also looks like
a  conveyor belt in the airport,on which luggage pieces of all shapes and sizes,and
sometimes  tagged chakka,move slowly,up and down,left and right,looking forward or
backward ,for a reunion with their owners.Recently,I saw a hapless suitcase,wide open,
sans its contents.The  state of some fb posts are also  similar.There's no substance in
them.Like the owners of suitcases,those who post in fb care only  for their posts.

I'm not referring to SK's poems in any way,but trying to share some thoughts that
flashed through my mind.

Romeo and Juliet  fall in love,with unbridled passion.Their  'dhyana guru',Friar
Laurence is alarmed by the uncontrollable passion of Romeo,and foreseeing the
potential dangers,he advises Romeo:

                                  Friar  Laurence
 These violent  delights have violent ends
And in their  triumph  die,like fire and powder
Which,as they  consume;the sweetest  honey
Is loathsome in its own deliciousness
And in the taste  confounds the appetite
Therefore  love moderately,long love doth so
Too swift arrives  as tardy as too low

                  ( Romeo  and Juliet,Act 2,Scene 2)

Friar Laurence  says that ,even the sweetest honey becomes tasteless with overuse
(cekidikkuka),so too much love could lead to disaster.Adhikamayal  amruthum visam.
In some respects,this advice is applicable to SK,because even if his poems are good,the
readers  may feel 'chekadippu' if poems are published daily.

Poetry is a passion for SK.It's most positive and encouraging,but the downside is  the
difficulty to sustain the high  standards.Last year ,Tintu Luka started a race with over-
enthusiasm,went ahead from the start,exhausted herself,and her race lay in tatters towards
the finishing line.

Of the many poems  published  recently,'Kavitha vishayam' is my favourite,due to
the novelty of the theme,and due to the dialogue or chat form.Maybe it's a new form
of  poetry  called 'chattu kavitha'.I think SK is unwittingly influenced by his chat culture.
Chatting is like a long train ,moving on and on slowly,it's like a tennis game,of which
the movement of the ball is '' urulakku uppery''.I'm of the opinion that this poem
should have been longer.

Incidentally,I would like to mention that I have written the draft of a satire called ''Kindi
Chor's International  Academy of Thieves' in which  chatting and cheating  are included
in the curriculum for crooks.Professor Chatterjee,who teaches chat/cheat to the crooks

You should sustain the interest of the the girl on the other end,like Maradonna balancing
the ball on his head.Keep her pleased,praised and entertained no matter how long it takes.
Never drop the ball."

  ' Kavithavishayam' is humourous.The irony in this poem is that the girl starts the
 conversation.She wants to know why the poet always harps on the theme of pranayam
and viraham.The conversation progresses very lively,like a tennis game.The girl reveals
her attitude to Pranayam,which is utter  frustration.She says that she has had enough of
pranayam.I'm not sure whether 'nairashyam' is more suitable in the place of 'viraham'.
I think 'viraham' is a condition of frustration,  of temporaray separation of lovers from
one another,which  triggered  classics such as 'meghasandesham' and 'mayurasandesham.
The girl  seem to suggest that she has been cheated by one or more lovers.

     premichu poothiyum  kothiyum
     premam  vanchikkum  chathikkum

The climax,as it were,is when the poet says:

innathe  kavitha vishayam kitti

The humour is enhanced by the girl's comment that she should have been very
careful in talking to the poet,because apparently,he knows all her secrets.

The visuals are very suitable for the poem.The girl's body language shows
love,intimacy,beauty and a sense of humour.

Very interesting because of the novelty of the theme and because of the dialogue
 *                                     *                               *                 *
  see other photos and videos in my profile.


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