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A review of Sony Karackal's poem " ee vazhiyil'

APRIL 19,2013
The weather in North West Province has changed dramatically overnight due to continuous rain that has
caused a drop in temperature,very ideal and comfortable
to stay indoors,watching Tv or engaging in intellectual pursuits.Fortunately the wet condition has coincided with
the weekend,which South Africans enjoy fully,because Saturday is not a working day.

SK's latest poem 'ee vazhiyil' is a gloomy one.The title
of the poem is very significant and meaningful.'Vazhi'is a
metaphor of the journry of life.The speaker in the poem
is revisiting the place where he grew up.It's a painful
journey which recreates the poverty and suffering he had
passed through in his early life.

It's a lonely,deserted ,colourful place which has remained
relatively untouched despite the march of Time.The remains of the speaker's house,a part of it,are still there.I expected a big mansion there,but it's only vazha.
This indicates that,even though the family that lived there has left,things haven't changed much.The house was
adjacent to Rubber estates,which indicate that it was a
poor family,dependent on the Rubber estate.
Rubberkadukal athiridunna
Thottavadikal pidichu nirthunna
I think the word 'Rubberkadukal' is carefully crafted to
imply the cruel system that oppressed the estate workers.
Most probabably the law of the jungle prevailed there,
whereby the family had to flee.Not much has changed there.

kattiladunnu vallipadarppukal
mettil meyunnu paikidangal
The above lines show the beauty and aloofness of the place.Ironically the beauty of the place adds to the
gloom pervading the poem.

The second stanza evokes very painful memories of the
past.The present condition of the speaker's former house
is heart-breaking.


Ee varikal mullukal pole hrudayathe kuthy manchuvarukalkku ethellamo dukha kathakal parayanundu.valareyere duroohathakal avaseshikkunnu.

The speaker hints about the poverty of the family.The mud
walls are a metaphor of the grinding poverty of the family.The speaker refers to his 'kunjumury'.He had a
where he used to study,sleep and dream.He used to study
under the light of a paraffin lamp.

Ippozhum kathukayanu manassil
Aa pazhaya mannenna vilakkukal

These lines refer to two things.First,the poverty of the
speaker.Second,his thirst for education.I guess he was a
hard-worker who defied his adverse circumstances by burning the midnight oil.The memories of the past do not
die.Memories continue to burn like Amar jyothy'.

The visuals perfectly fit the mood of the poem.The
young man in the photo is sad and lonely,which indicate
that it was a period of ordeals for him.

* * * *


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