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                                        BIRTHDAY  DIARY

25 April  2013,Delareyville ,South Africa

6.50 a.m

It's a sunny day here as usual,but a bit cold because Summer has exchanged the baton
to Autumn pefectly.Here and there yellow leaves have fallen,and are still falling,presenting
a beautiful  sight.Such trees are few;maybe  they are of European origin.As I drive to
school,the sunrays pour right into my eyes,so intensely that I can't  see clearly ahead.I use
an old Toyota  for the school trip because 14 kilometers are gravel road.My  sunshade had
become loose,and was not replaced due to other pressing matters.I struggle to  keep the
car to the left.Luckily, there are no vehicles in front or at the back. The problem is over
when I turn to the left,to take the road which  forms a border of  Barberspan Bird Sanctuary,
which can be seen from the car.

The 2000 hectre lake is the centre-piece of the bird sanctuary.The lake is deep blue
in the morning.The sun shines  above the lake like a searchlight from a helicopter
gunship,trying to pry into the secrets of the lake.

Indeed the lake has some mysteries.The name derives from Afrikaans'.Barber' is the
name of a type of fish that  lives in the lake."span' is the Afrikaans name for lake.

The black people in the area  don't like to visit the lake because they say there's an
Anakonda -like creature living deep under the lake.This creature can tranform into
human form.They say it has caused many  motor accidents over a bridge close to the

The birds migrate  according to the seasons.Only experts can explain the migration.The
hundreds of birds that I saw last month on the fence are gone.The 'irattavalans' who used to
dance in the air were gone without a trace.Incidentally,it's  unbelievable that some of
Kerala birds  are found here.What we used to call 'vattan kothy' at Paika are seen here
in abundance,and  are called Maina.Perhaps they  came with the early Indian settlers
in the 1860s. I saw some 'thuthu kunukki 'birds near my house.

On the other side of the fence,there are about  20 ostriches,who are very sensitive,and
unfamiliar  with human beings.When vehicles pass by,they have no problem.But
when I get out of the car to take a photo,they sense danger,and run away,in long strides
and move near to the lake.

The ostritches have some new companions; some antelopes and elands,with long
horns,who  may have been relocated  from another national park.I saw a pair of them
locking horns in play,in the golden sunlight.When I got out of the car,they emulated
the example of the ostriches,and ran away gracefully.

The appearence of  a group of  tiny  birds  serve as  a morale booster to the amateur
bird-watcher like  me,who is an opportunist, trying to shoot two birds with one
shot ( going to school and watching birds on the way,without  much effort.)

As  a compensation for the disappearence of  the birds on the fences,there is a group
of tiny birds,the size of an 'adakka' ,which  always fly in groups of hundreds.They live,play
sing and fly only as a community.As individuals,they have no existence.They are not
newcomers,but,of late they keep a high profile.They have their nests in the thorn trees
near the road.As the car approaches,they are scared,and fly in hundreds,across the road,in
beautiful  formations.It seems some unseen string is attached to their legs,keeping them
together.Their style of movement is like the waves in the sea,up and down,sweeping,flashing..
I saw about ten of their formations.Sometimes they appear like 'kaduku pottichathu pole'
or like a fishing net flung into a river.

The beauty of this area lies in the lack of human presence and  human activity,except
for the occasional vehicle that passes on the road.The open skies,the ocean of dry grass,
the herds of cattle in the fields ,the wind-propelled water pump's wheel rolling,and various
types of birds criss-crossing;all these add to the serenity of the area.

25 April is a very important day.On this day government employees,including teachers,feel
very happy because today ,a 6.5% increase in salaries will be implemented.For teachers
the salary day is 26th of every month.Tonight's ''moneynadam'' will be sweeter and longer
because of the increase.Like icing on the cake,there's ''iratti madhuram'' for people who
have their birthday this month and also in the previous three months.This is because
here ,an amount equivalent to one month's salary is given as a bonus.Fortunately,my
birthday is 25th April.

South Africans like partying,especially at the weekends.On Fridays,they say,"enjoy
your weekend".This weekend is special  because 27th April is celebrated as 'Freedom
Day',to commomerate the first democratic elections in 1994.

The gravel road to the school  is a disadvantage,but it suits the natural African bush
setting.In 30-35 minutes,I enter the compound of Bakolobeng Secondary School,where my wife
Leelamma and I have taught for 25 years.This is a female- dominated school,because the
majority of teachers are women,with Mrs Visser,a white lady as principal,and Leelamma
is the Deputy principal.

Incidentally,the powerful role played by women in South African society must be
mentioned.There have been giant steps towards gender equality,and women shine
in all walks of life.

I'm the oldest teacher in this school of about  670 students,from Grade 8 to 12.I am a
long distance runner who has heard the bell for the last lap.The normal retirement age
is 60,but those who want to continue can serve upto 65.This is because,nowadays,65
is not that much old.Oldness is felt and confirmed when a person believes that he or she
is old.Then all the back pains,muttuvedana,etc start.Anyway,I'm not in that category.

Like the birds on the way,the children here are always happy.They are free from
worries about the future.They are not overburdened with tuition or entrance exams
or anything of that sort.In their blue and white uniform,they look very smart.They
communicate very freely,inside and outside the class.They like to talk and giggle.

I teach English,and Leelamma teaches Biology.We consistently produce excellent
results.My style of teaching is based on current affairs,sharing knowledge about what's
happening in the country and in the world.Except for literature,I don't rely on textbooks.
Text books for English are worthless like yesterday's newspaper.By reading about and
discussing current events,the students gain knowledge and learn the language.For example,
I use the Oscar Pistorius case as a topic
,using photocopies of  reports and articles from
national and international newspapers and magazines like 'Time' and Newsweek.The
school has a large stock of duplicating papers.So every student gets photocopies of whatever they
want.I use the Oscar Pistorius case for a debate about whether the death penalty should
be reintroduced in South Africa.The students are very eager to take part in debates.They
write their own speeches,practise it and present it.In this way,they learn to think for

At St.Joseph's High School,Vilakkumadom,where I had my school education,A.S.Antony saar used
to deviate from his prepared lesson and showed us 'Life' magazine which contained
colourful photos,and told us about John F Kennedy.It had a great impact on the students.
I follow his example.

At our school ,there's much comradeship and mutual respect.It's 7.30 a.m,and time
for daily briefing.Firstly,Mrs.Visser,the Principal,greets all the staff and congatulates me.
The teachers sing "Happy Birthday' for me.We have a fund to give a cash gift to the
celebrating teacher.Two or three teachers who have their birthday in the same month,
jointly give a 'brai' to all the teachers during a chosen day.

We have our year-end party at our house at the end of November.The place is ideal
because of abundant space and full privacy.The party lasts for many hours,from 1 p.m to
8 pm.The food is from the contributions,but drinks are'apna apna'.The teachers eat,drink,
 and dance until they are tired.

Sometimes we accidentally meet our former students who are in high positions in all
walks of life.For example,the mayor of this area is a former student of ours.They are
very happy to meet us after many years.Without any exception,they say,"It's because
of you that I'm in my position." It gives great satisfaction as a teacher.

 As a happy coincidence,etickets for our June/July trip to India became 'through'
today.In South Africa,the academic year starts in January and ends in the first week
of  December.We have 4 vacations; 2 weeks in March/April,3 weeks in June/July,
one week in October,and one month in Nov/December.Most Malayalees travel to
India in December.Some people do two trips in one year.This year we are going in June
because my sister-in -law and her three sons are coming in December,from Australia.
Besides,June/July is winter here.Night temperatures can drop down to -7 degrees.
Even without commitments in December,it's a good idea to to escape from the well
as from the huge electricity bill.I suspect that the KSEB in Kerala,and the Eskom here have
some mutual understanding and learn from each other,as how to raise electricity tariffs.

While in India,our main enjoyment is in spending time with our 5 grandchildren,of
ages ranging from 2 to  7.


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