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A Short review of Sony Karackal's poem,'Pranayakshrikal


I think S.K  has some hidden  agenda in writing poems every day.First,to to enter the
Ginness Book of Awards/Limca Book,second,to win some awards from the Gulf area
( a cash award included).Please remember me in your shares of the prize money,even if you
forgrt me in your prayers.For me the sweetest music is the music on my cell phone,when
the salary or some extra-money is credited to my account.I call it 'moneynadam'.The
discord that I hear on the same phone when  money is debited from my account is called
'maranamoney' or'maramoney'.

" Vattakottayil  vellam korikkuka' ( to give an impossible task) is one of the idioms that
I used to hear at home when I was a child.SK is doing the same thing to me by writing
poems endlessly.When high standards have already been set,it's an uphill task for the
poet to maintain those standards.That's the challenge facing  the poet and the critic.If
the poem flops, it would be like 'urangi kidanna aale pathiracku vilichelpichu athazhamillennu
parayunnathu poleyanu" ( to wake up a sleeping person in at midnight and tell him that there's no supper').But ,in this poem,SK hasn't  done that.

When I read the first few lines,I remembered some ever-green songs ,eg
    parijataham thirumizhi thurannu....,surumayezhuthiya  mizhikale, ninte mizhikal
neelolpalam, mizhiyoram nananjozhukum ....etc which I used to sing during my college
days,at the height of pranayaparavashyam..all these songs echo the same sentiments
expressed by SK in 'Pranayksharikal' ie the role of the eyes in initiating  pranayam.

The first two lines are beautiful ,with the metaphor of eyes as doors opening to
pranayam.The poet says that pranayam is unstoppable.I think he asserts that pranayam
will  overcome all odds.'Nibandhanakalkkumappuram'.I am of the opinion that 'nibandh-
anakal  is not a suitable word in poetry;it's too official.

The second stanza tells us  how pranayam gets entrenched.It reveals new,romantic
experiences.'' chayakkoottozhichu  hrithil chithrangalezhuthunnu pranayam''.This
is a beatiful  concept.
The third stanza takes us to the heights of consummation of love.''mizhikalkkanjathamaya anubhuthikalilekku  pranayam padi kadannu pokunnu" This has connotations of physical
union.Rathiyude minnayangal ee varikalil  kanan kazhiyum.Padi kadakkuka ennu vechal
pranasakhiyude maniyarayileykku  padikadannu chelluka ennathu oru sundara sankalppamanu.
MT yude ethrayo kahakalil nammal ithu ''Neelathamara'' Remember the
song''anuraga vilochitharayi..." and 'pinneyum pinneyum....''

The poet cocludes by comparing pranayam to a panchavarna kili'.The poet is very fond
of using the imagery of winter,birds etc which create the ideal mood for the flourish of
pranayam,emphasizing that SK is a  pranaya gayakan.


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