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A review of Sony Karackal's poem' valapottukal'


In this poem,SK  undertakes a journey  through Time.When I read
the  first two lines,Emily Dickinson's poem "Because I could not
stop for Death' popped up in my mind:

Because I could not stop  for Death
He kindly  stopped for me
The carriage held but just ourselves
And Immortality

By  coincidence,SK has used the imagery of the chariot,used by
Dickinson,which describes her journey together with Death.

'therottam' is a phrase widely used in Indian epics,and is dear to
the Indian psyche.The poet has created a nostalgic mood in this
poem,most probably  referring to his own college days.Many of
us have gone through this bitter-sweet experience.The poet embarks
on this journey alone:
  Ormathan  theril
 Njan mathramayini

As  Time passes on,most of our cherished friendships,love affairs,
likes and dislikes fall by the roadside.
 padi kadanna paribhavangalum
enne thirayunnu

The above lines show the unbridgable gap  between the poet and
his former pals;a gap that  widens as Time  goes  on.''iruttilevideyo'
is an apt metaphor  that depicts the heavy sense of alienation.The
poet  highlights  the various  aspects of the bygone days,such as love
and friendship.He uses a wide variety of metaphors and similes to
paint a gloomy picture of relationships  that have faded into
oblivion.The title of the poem originates from:
          valapottukal pol
          adarnna pranayangal
It's significant that the poet mentions 'pranayangal',not pranayam,
as it is customary in  campus life.The word ' Valapottukal' show
the ephemeral  nature of college love.It's delicate,fragile,brittle..

    ...........kuttiyatu  poya
The phrase 'kuttiyattu  poya'is very effective.It's a 'nadan' phrase
used by the ordinary  people.
The poet also refers to the naughtiness  they had  ,as youngsters ,in
the line:


Perhaps the poet's  father didn't appreciate or encourage the poet's
literary talents and ambitions,and the  poet  may have been forced
to shelve his ambitions.

  Chandra sparshamillatha
  Vanyamee rathriyil

The  above lines   depict the gloomy situation  faced by the poet.It's
an extension of the darkness already  mentioned.

But  there's a silver lining in the horizon.It's the memory of
his beloved mother,who had  showered him with love.

Hrudyamay  pookkunna  mukham
snehamam pravine
parathi vitta ammathan mukham

The above lines are very touching and emotional.The metaphor of
the dove to represent love is most beautiful and effective.

For every human being,Amma is the eternal  refuge from all that
is negative.Even if the whole world rejects you,forgets you or
dumps you,only the Amma comes to your rescue.Amma is the
source of our happiness,a fountain  of sponaneous love,irrespective
of  the passage of Time.

It goes without saying that the visuals complement the poem.
The light that shines on the solitary  boy indicates the mother's love
dawning  on him.

Over all,a good effort by the poet.



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