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The rains died down last night.The morning opened
with a comfortable cold,which tempts you to prolong
your stay under the blanket for anextra 2-3 hours.After
all,there's no hurry in this sleepy,small town.Nobody
needs to rush as in Kerala,to bus stations,railway stations,airports etc..South Africans are not in a hurry.We have two full days to ourselves;mostly to sleep,eat and drink.Todays' weather is perfect,with the
maximum 17 Degree C.The sun shines brightly,the
sky is clear,the air is 100% pure.The sky is a combination of blue and white,which reminds me of the
uniform of my students.African sky is different from
ours in kerala.Here it's panoramic,clear,amazing,rejuvenating.My rating for today's weather is 10 out of 10.

Sony Karackal's latest poem 'Pranayavasantham' perfectly aligns with the mood here.Pranayathinte theerthadakan karangi thirinju thante swantham thattakathil thirichethiyirikkunnu.Shubha prathekshakalude oru mazhavil varna chithramanu kavi
namukku varachu thannirikkunnathu.

The poet celebrates love from a distance.The tone of
the poem is tender,positive,optimistic.Perhaps SK is
unknowingly influenced by the euphoria generated by
Trichur pooram.Also,he has dreams about the arrival of

The first stanza expresses love in the tenderest terms
with the phrases 'ponnonapoovinu nanam' and 'ponnomanekkenthu mounam'.

Ennittumennitumen manassil
Mottittuvetho vasantham

The above lines express the blossoming of love in the
poet's heart.The Malayalee sankalpam of love is different from that of the Westerners,which is like a
plane landing;ours is like a feather hesitatingly
touching the ground.That's the beauty of our love.

The second stanza unravels images of heavenly beauty.
The image of 'neelakurinji' is exotic.It's rare and
hardly reachable.The remoteness and inaccessibility of
the 'neelamala' redoubles the 'neelakurinji's beauty and mystery.

Thannannam padumaruvikalum
Ninnorma moolunnuvennuyire

Some days ago,I mentioned the beauty of the song
'Poonthenaruvi'.In the above lines,SK is following
the trajectory of this song,immortalised by the
thrimoorthikal-Vayalar,Devarajan and P.Sussela.

The poem has a momentum towards sunset.Ironically,sunset is dawn for lovers,because their hopes and dreams gather momentum towards sunset.

Ennomal painkili koodu thedi
Doorangalil muda paridunnu

I think 'ennomalpainkili' is a metaphor for his love.
Love has to find a resting place,a nest, a refuge..

The last stanza is rich with images of tender feelings
of love.Here the poet transcends into nature,which is
brimming with heartbeats of love.There's an air of softness and sweetness in the concluding lines

Then manju veezhum tharukkalilum
Pranayam thudikkunnu melle melle

Pranayathe kurichulla ee sankalpangalil aanu athinte
madhuryam adangiyirikkunnathu.

The visuals,as usual,are perfectly matching with the
poem.I would have preferred a Malayalee girl in the

* * * *


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