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The characters

2. Mary     (21)   his wife
3.  Kunjappan Chettan (95)  a neighbor

A remote, mountainous village somewhere in Idukki. Joseph is working in his dilapidated work shop close to their small house 🏡 Enter Mary ,carrying a pot filled with water 💧 .Joseph helps her to put it down .Mary is 8 months pregnant .


Mary, how many times have I told you not to fetch water from the river. Why didn't you remind me?  In your present condition, you are not supposed to do hard chores. You take rest and leave everything to me


Don't worry. I am fit as a fiddle. Climbing the hill is a good exercise. Moreover, your hands are full.


This is not a joke. My word is final. Take complete rest with effect from today. I have requested my niece Ani to come and stay with us to help you. She will be here anytime from now.


Chetta ,don't worry about me .I'm really worried 😓 about you .You haven't rested in your entire life .Remember that you are 60 .Time for retirement .You work 365 days nonstop ,for peanuts .


Yes .I must retire .After the birth of our child 👶 .I must devote all my time to care for you .Mary ,bring me a match 📦 .(He takes out a beedi )


No.I won't .How many times have you promised me that you would give up smoking 🚬 .You broke that promise up to now .No more .No more compromise .


Please ,Mary .Only one beedi
.It gives me concentration in my work .


No,no ,no .No excuses .Your smoking 🚬 will affect you ,me and our unborn 👶 .It's far more serious than you think .And it's time to give up your drinking of charayam .Today itself .


Mary ,please .Please try to understand me .


No excuses or explanations .Liquor is poison ,and it destroys individuals and families .If you love me and our unborn 👶 ,you give up smoking 🚬 and drinking today itself .


Mary ,please don't put me under pressure .I love you more than anything under the Sun ☀ .The charayam that I drink is pure ,brewed by me .


I told you ,no excuses and explanations .If you really love me ,this is the opportunity to prove it by giving up smoking 🚬 and drinking 🍻 .Otherwise ,your life would be cut short due to cancer or liver disease .


Yes I know .


Then let us destroy the things .(she goes to the house and brings a bottle 🍶 of charayam .)
Give me that packet of beedi .
(Joseph gives her a packet of beedi .Mary destroys it ,twisting it several times .She goes out and pours the charayam on the ground .As she comes back ,Joseph notices that she is limping )

Hey, what's wrong with your feet? Why are you limping?
(he examines her feet)
Oh, my God, your feet are swollen. Why didn't you tell me?


It's nothing, Chetta. I will be alright.


No, no no. In your condition, nothing can be ignored. Let me apply some 🐯 balm. Sit down. Your feet are very 💩. ( he goes and brings a basin filled with water.He bends down and washes her feet. He is nervous and shy because he is not used to touching her. He wipes the feet and applies the balm gently. Enter Kunjappan Chettan)

Kunjappan Chettan

Hey, what's going on here?


Mary's feet are swollen. Have a seat 💺 Chetta.

Kunjappan Chettan

Joseph, can I have a beedi?


Sorry ,Chetta ,I gave up smoking .

Kunjappan Chettan

Why the sudden change ?


I have given a solemn pledge to
Mary .

Kunjappan Chettan

Then give me an ounce of charayam .


I gave up charayam too .It's not good for health .Above all ,liquor destroys the family

Kunjappan Chettan

Ha ,ha .Pure nonsense .I am 95,but still going strong 💪 .No family problems .


Chetta ,you may be an exception .

With all due respect ,let me explain it to you .Smoking and drinking create hell on earth .Every day,tragedies are unfolding .We have an unacceptable situation where some women don't know the whereabouts of their husbands .They only know when deaths are reported on TV .Women and children 🚸 suffer the most due to the untimely deaths of husbands and fathers .This must end .I shall make some black coffee ☕ for you .

Kunjappan Chettan

👌 .No problem .



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