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The UDF and the LDF in Kerala don't see eye to eye except in one thing :both of them don't want the splinter parties anymore. They regard the splinter parties as a splinter in the flesh, causing irritation and pain.

Kerala is famous for its world -class magicians like Muthukad, Samraj etc. Now our political magicians are busy behind the scenes preparing for the greatest show in five years.The show has two parts. First, how to accommodate all the alliance partners in the 140 Assembly constituencies. Secondly, how to pull out a victory.

The aspirants for seats are so many that even the Parliament cannot fit them. The people are waiting to see how our magicians squeeze the aspirants into the 140 seats.

So the splinter parties were not even allowed to go near the gates of the halls where the LDF and the UDF were busy allocating the seats. So the disgruntled splinter parties had no option but to form their own alliance to contest the elections.

For this purpose, they organized a convention of the splinter parties at Kottayam on 1 March 2016. There was a steady flow of the members of the homeless, road -based, booted out, rejected, defunct, sidelined, marginalized, unwanted parties to the convention. Many veterans of the splinter movement,like PC GEORGE, Balakrishna Pillai, Ganesh Kumar, TS John, PC Thomas etc took part.The splinter ideology is based on not adhering to any ideology or alliance, but as the elections were at the door step, there was no option but to compromise. Thus the DSF (Democratic Splinter Front)
 was born.The convention decided to contest all the 140 seats under the banner of the DSF.

Then the discussions focused on the selection of an election symbol for the DSF. Already, there's an acute shortage of symbols in the country due to the proliferation of political parties. Even the rat 🐀 is a coveted symbol .The following 🔣 were suggested for The DSF .1.Coffin 2.Grave 3.Dumping site 4 Chameleon 5 Dustbin  6 👢 boots (booted out ) 7 road 8 burning log (pukanja kolli purathu )

As the Splinter movement is known for disagreements ,dissent ,and splits ,the discussions became acrimonious and pandemonium broke out .Fights broke out as in the Kerala Assembly .One leader's left ear was bitten off in the chaos .There were broken ribs and red noses .Finally a consensus was reached by secret ballot ❌ .The dustbin was selected as the DSF's election symbol .


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