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The Resurrection of Jesus Christ (Biblical Play)


                            The  Resurrection  of  Jesus  Christ  ( Biblical  play )

N.B This play is not based  on historical  facts.

The  characters:

1. Joseph  of  Arimethea          a  wealthy  and influential  businessman,who is a disciple
                                                 of  Jesus  Christ.( 50)

2.  Lydia                                    Joseph's   wife   ( 45 )

3  Serafina                                 Joseph's  daughter  (18)

4 Samson                                   A  Roman sldier   ( 40)

5  Gregory                                  A  Roman  soldier  ( 35)

Servants   of  Joseph

                                            SCENE     1  Joseph's  mansion.Lydia  is engaged in household
chores,instructing  several  servants ,who occasionally  come and go. Serafina is reading.
After a few minutes,enter  Joseph,followed by several  servants  carrying bags  and bundles
Joseph is a well-built  man.He is very exhausted  after  a long jouney.Lydia and Serafina
welcome him.

Pappa,how  was your journey?
What  do you  want to drink?
 Give me a glass  of water. I'm very tired.
Can  I  put  the  food  on  the table.You  must be very hungry.

Not now.Let  me  get settled  first.This  is not a good time  to relax or sleep.
What  do  you mean Pappa?
Haven't  you heard  what's  happening around us? Haven't you seen....?
You  mean  what happened  to  Jesus ? It's a sad  story.
I'm  devastated  by  what has happened
It's  all over.
It's  not over.This is only  the beginning.From today,the  world  won't  be the same again.


   How ?
It's  the beginning  of  a saga  of great  events.But  I regret  that  I couldn't  do anything
to  prevent this  tragedy.If  I were  present here,I  would have  done something,using
my friendship with  Pilate.I  should not have gone to Damascus..
You couln't  have done anything.The crowds  were baying  for the blood of Jesus.
After all, how  does it concern you  so much?
Lydia,you don't  understand .Serafina,bring me some more water.
Yes,I will.
Now I have  to do something to atone  for my  lapse.I must go immediately to
Pilate to get permission  to  claim Jesus's body.
No,you  shouldn't  go now.You need rest  and sleep after a long journey.
How  can I take rest when  my conscience is pricking  me,blaming  me for doing nothing
when  an innocent man  was falsely  accused  and crucified...I feel  a  sense of guilt.I can't
rest  until I have done  something.So I'm  going to Pilate now.
Why  do you get  involved  in these  controversial  matters,which  could entangle you
 in deep trouble.It's very  risky  to offend the high priests and elders.
Come  what may,I  have to do my duty.First,I have to find a place  to give a dignified
burial to Jesus.It's really  a problem.The public cemetry  won't  be available because they
don't allow executed  criminals  to be buried there.
I  have heard  that there's  a dark corner of  the  Public  cemetry,which is reserved  for
executed  criminals.You  know,'the themmadykuzhy'.It'll  be available.
( angrily ) How can you  say such things about Jesus.He was our king,but people like
you don't  understand it.I  want  to give  him a dignified  burial,befitting a king.
 Then, I have a suggestion.
      What ?
   We  have  our own family  tomb that you built..
 Rightly  said.This  idea didn't strike  me.Thanks Serafina,for your suggestion.Our family
tomb  is the best in the country.Cut  out of solid rock.A  work of art.Yea,it is suitable
for a king.Suggestion accepted.
No,it's  not acceptable to me.It was built  exclusively  for our family members.Not for
Mummy ,you don't  understand .It's a great honour  for us.Jesus is not an outsider.He is
part of us.
No no no.I'll oppose this with tooth  and nail.If  Jesus is buried in our tomb,it'll become
unclean.( ashudham)
It's  your  mind that's unclean.You  must cleanse your mind ,of your prejudices,your intolerance
and  hatred.
I  don't  agree.
Your  disagreement  is  over-ruled.In  this  house,my word is final.It's already  too late.
I have my  objections  about this.
It's too late.Lydia,I need some fine linen,olive oil and perfumes to prepare Jesus's body for
I can give you the linen and the oil,but I can't  give you the perfumes.
Give  me what you have.I'll  replace them.
The perfumes I have are very expensive  and rare.I  bought them in Arabia.
That's why  I  want  them. Perfumes suitable  for a king.
Don't  waste time arguing.I shall give you all my perfumes.They are also equally nice.
   ( she goes to her bed room and  brings a handful of perfumes.)
I'll  never buy you any  perfumes.
Never  mind.Today's need is more important.
I'm  going to Pilate right now.
I'm  coming with  you.
Serafina,there's  no need for you to go. You have a lot to study. Remember,your exams
are  starting  on Monday.
Mummy,I'm already prepared for the exams.Studies  can wait.For me,it's more important
to be part of  this great event.
Let's go.We are racing against  time.
    ( Joseph and serafina leave.two servants  follow them.)
                           THE  CURTAIN  FALLS

                                      SCENE  2
A  room  in  Pilate's  palace.Pilate  paces  up and  down  in deep  thought.( knocking
is heard at the door.Enter  Joseph  and  Serafina.Pilate  hugs Joseph  excitedly,)


What  a  surprise!Long time not see....You  are  most  welcome.Where  have you
been  so long,without  any information ?

I  was  in  Damascus. A  business trip.
And  who is this pretty girl?
This  is my daughter,Serafina.
You are  most welcome.What  can I  do  for you ,friend ?
I'm  very  cross  with  you ,Pilate.
What  for ? What  have  I  done ?                
You  gave an innocent  sheep  to the hounds.
 You  mean  Jesus of   Nazareth ?
Yes. You  could  have saved  him.
You  don't  understand  the  dilemma  I  was in.I  tried all  means to save Jesus.Njan
Padicha pani pathinettum  nokki.But the Pharasees  and  the High priests outwitted me.
I  was  between the  devil  and the deep sea.
You  could have stayed the excecution.If I knew what  was going on here,I would have
arranged for bail  for Jesus,for  any amount,and on my personal surety.
Joseph,I kept my cards close to my chest until the last.But the chanakya thanthras of
the High  priests and elders prevailed.When  I cast my trump card,ie the provision of
the release  of a prisoner on  Passover,I calculated that the people  would support Jesus.
But the high priests and elders  had already instigated the people to demand the release
of that convicted killer,Barabbas..Then my strategy  fell like a pack of cards. I have a
clean chest in this matter.
I  believe  you  Pilate.But I have one request.I  want to  give Jesus  a  decent  burial. I want
your permission  to claim  the  dead body.
 why not? I shall  write  a  letter to this  effect.( He takes  pen and paper and  writes  a letter.)
Where's my seal ? ( he searches here and there,but  doesn't  find it).This  cursed old age..
nowadays I forget everything.Anyway,the seal is not compulsory.Everybody  knows my
handwriting and  my signature. ( gives the letter  to  Joseph )
Thanks  a lot  Pilate.I have  to rush.I'm late.

When you  are free,come  for a visit.With the  whole family.
Of course,we will come when the present  turbulance  is over.
            ( exit  Joseph and  Serafina )
                            THE   CURTAIN  FALLS


                                           SCENE  3  GOLGOTHA

The place of Jesus's  crucifiction.It's  about  6 PM.On the right,the lower part of the
blood-stained  cross is seen.To the right,Samson  and Gregory,Roman Soldiers,sit
on foldable camp chairs.In front of them is a camping table.They are drinking liquor,
and eating  large pieces  of meat.They are already  drunk,and a bit unsteady.
 Nobody  has come to collect the dead body. What now?
 We shall wait until  7 Pm,and if nobody  comes to claim the corpse,we  shall give
 Jesus a pauper's funeral.In the purampokku.( wasteland)
But  who will  dig  the grave ?
We shall  force  some passersby  to do the job,as we forced one Simon to carry the cross.
 But  we made some  Himalayan  blunders.
 What  blunders?
 We  could  have  made some  quick bucks using Jesus's dead body
Come again.I don't  get you.
( looking  around,and in a hushed voice )
                                        You know this Jesus was only 33 years old.In perfect health,
We  could have sold his heart and kidneys   and  pocketed a fat amount in the international
smuggling market.
Damn it.We were not clever enough to make hay when the sun shined.But ,can't we do
it now ?
No it's already  too late.The  organs  should have been removed within  one hour
after death.                             Gregory

A  golden  opportunity  missed!
But  there are other chances.You know,human body parts are highly in demand in Europe
as  well as in Africa,for  witchcraft, Satanism,black magic and muti.Haven't you heard the
            Liver of blaspheming  Jew
            Nose of Turk and Tartar's lips
            Finger of birth-strangled babe
            Fillet of a black Mamba
            Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
            ha ha ha


I know that song.Really nice. Ha,ha ,ha.
We  shall do it then
Yea,we shall do it  when it becomes  darker.

( enter Joseph  of Arimathea,Serafina and two servants.They all look up at the cross.
Joseph and Serafina are overcome with grief.Serafina is able to control her grief,but
Joseph caves in.He embraces the cross,and weeps.Looking up again,he sobs,and slumps to
the ground.Serafina consoles him.He picks up some blood-stained soil from the ground
and stands up,holding the soil in both hands.

His innocent  blood has cleansed the earth.
Don't cry pappa.Be the strong man you are. Jesus will come back.Believe,and we'll
see him again.
I  believe.I  strongly believe that  he will come back to us.

Hey,who is there? What do you  want here?
I'm  Joseph of Arimathea.I have come to collect Jesus's dead body.
And  who is this girl with you?
My daughter, Serafina.
((ogling   Serafina )   Pennu tharakkedillallo.The girl is super.
( shows some signs of sexual nature) ( Aside)  ee thanthaye vakavaruthiyal  ee malakha kochine
namukku  enjoy cheyyam.If we can eliminate the father,we can enjoy the girl.
Can  I take the dead body of Jesus ?
Do you have the necessary  documents  to collect the dead body?
Yes,I have the letter from Pilate. (gives  the letter )

( Samson examines the letter very carefully )

This letter  is not enough.This  doesn't  have the official  seal of  Pilate.
Pilate   wrote the letter himself,in my presence.He said the stamp is not necessary because
  the  whole country  knows his handwriting  and signature.
No,we  can't  accept  this.Go  back to  Pilate,and get this stamped.
Yea,leave the girl here as a surety ,and go.(he ogles Serafina.She looks away in disgust)
It's too late.Show some kindness ,I beg you...Please..Release  the dead body.
No ways.We  strictly  adhere to the law.Even if the letter is stamped,it's not enough.You
should attach attested copies  of your ID card,ration card,Adhar,Income Tax Certificate,
NOC  from your employer,birth certificate of the decesed,Post mortem report,two passport
size photos,.....

( to Serafina) Ivanmar  ennekkondu  vattakkottayil vellam korikkunna lakshanamanu
 kanunnathu.I mean  they are suggesting the impossible.Things  cannot continue in this way
What shall we do now? It's already late.
Wait   and  see....
I  forgot  the most important  thing,the  death  Certificate.
(angrily)  You  killed him,and now you demand the Death Certificate.Are you
 humans or monsters?
Hey,control  your tongue,or else..
What would  you  do ?
Enkil nee vivaram  ariyum.You'll  face the consequences.
My time is running out,and my patience too.( to the servants) Bring down Jesus's
dead  body) Quickly.

    ( Samson and  Gregory  rise from their chairs)
 Stop,you can't do that ,without  my approval.

(  Sampson  points his  spear at Joseph,ready  to charge.Joseph   seizes the spear, and
  breaks it into two pieces,and throws the pieces away.Gregory  charges at Joseph unsteadily.
Joseph  seizes the spear,and throws it away.There's a scuffle.Sampson  falls to the ground.
Joseph seizes Gregory's neck,and thrusts  Pilates letter into his mouth.)
 Stop,Pappa, leave these scum .
Run,bastards,run....for your lives!
 ( Sampson and  Gregory  run away.Jesus's body is brought down.Joseph covers the body
 with white cloth.The  body is carried  away.)

                        THE  CURTAIN   FALLS

                                      SCENE  4

   The tomb  of Jesus.It's  Sunday,before daybreak.Thin  streaks of light begin to
 appear in the horizon.The visibility  is very poor.Enter  Mary Magdalene and the other
Mary,carrying flowers and perfumes.A few minutes later,enter  Serafina,with a basket
full of flowers.
                                         Mary Magdalene
  ( to Serafina)  Are you the daughter of Joseph  of Arimathea?
Yes I am.
                                        Mary Magdalene

Why  are you here so early in the morning? Where's your mother?
Mother is still sleeping.I have come to put these flowers on Jesus's tomb.
                                         Mary  Magdalene
Our problem is how to remove the big stone.

  Thunder  and lightning.There's a powerful  wind blowing.The three women are swayed
by the wind.They  hold on to some plants,trying to balance themselves.The sound of  big
trees being uprooted.There's a total blackout.Then  calm,and brightness.The  big stone
has  shifted from its place.An angel  sits on the stone.
Do not be afraid.I know  you are looking  for Jesus,who was crucified.He is not here;
he has been raised,just as he said.Come  and see where he was lying.Go quickly now,
and tell his disciples,'He has been raised from  death,and now he is going  to Galilee
ahead  of you;there you will  see him!'Remember  what I have told you.

Lights  fade.The angel disappears.A blackout,and it's brightness again.
Enter  Jesus.

Peace  be with you.
   (the  three women  kneel  down)
Do not be afraid.Who is this girl?
                                             Mariam  Magdelene
This  is Serafina,daughter  of Joseph  of Arimathea.
He is my  close  friend .Greet him and tell him that  I'm very pleased with him.
 I'll  do so.
Go  and  tell my brothers to go to Galilee,and there they will see me.
                                         Mary  Magdalene
We  will  do so.
                                        THE  CURTAIN  FALLS
                                         THE    END




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