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A quick review of Sony Karackal's poem "Amma Ariyan"

                                Amma  Ariyan-a quick review.

Innathe divasam ammaye patti oru kavitha  rechikkanum publish cheyyanum Sony
Karckal  theerumanichathu  eettavum uchithamayi-oru coincidene aanenkilum.Malayalikalellam
orma vecha naal muthal innolam  nammude swantham  chechiyayum ammayayum mathram
kandittulla,othiri snehavalsalyangalude  nirakudamayirunna,Sukumariyude akalamaya
verpadil manam nonthu neeri neeri nombaram anubhavikkunna,iruttil thappunna ee
dorbhagya nimishathil  oru minnaminunginte nurungu vettam pole,ithiri aaswasam pakaran
ee kavithaye  ellavarudeyumaya  aa ammaykku  samarpikkam.

We never doubt whether the sun will rise tomorrow.Nobody,except the scientists discuss
the sun.It's a presence that is well -established,guaranteed life-long.Sukumari  was like the
sun;we never  imagined  a South india without  Sukumari-an all encompassing phenomenon
in  filmdom.Nammude ammayayi  Sukumari eppozhum nammude koode undayirikkumennu
nammal kruthi.I have seen  Sukumari as the mother  of the unemployed young man of
the 1980s  and 1990s,the mother who  is very keen about the future of  her  son,at a juncture  
 when  he has been   scorned and rejected by  the father and  the siblings.A mother who
stands by him in  momments of deepening crises;a mother who hold her head high,in
defending her son.Of course,Sukumari was eclipsed by  Kaviyuoor Ponnamma,but when
we scrutinise closely,Sukumari was a mother close behind Kaviyoor ponnamma.

In this poem,the poet emphasizes the strong bond between  mother and child,a bond
that's eternal.The poem brims with the beautiful imagery of all those precious
memories of childhood,when 'amma' meant everything to the child.Sony has shown
the craft of the traditional thattan ,who handles the gold at his disposal with extreme
care and meticulous  precision.The craftsmanship is displayed in the choice of  words
such as 'then',paal, amruthu etc.The imagery conjures feelings of great tenderness,
warmth and affection.'Parannozhukum  valsalya kadal enna prayogam valare hridyamayi.
The metaphor of the sea unravels the depth and vastness of the mother's love.The sea
is addressed as amma in folklore in many languages.( remember 'Chemmeen)

My  favourite line in this  poem is 'sankadamazhayil  pookkudayayi'.I  see two meanings in this.
The  first is the sankada mazha ' of a toddler who breaks into tears,for the littlest reason,
such as being stared at by visitors,stumbling down,disappearence of mother into the toilet etc.
The mother is the only person who is patient enough to pay attention to the complaints
of a child.Hence  the use of the metaphor 'pookkuda'.

The second 'sankada mazha is at a particular  juncture when the young man is rejected,
disowned and humiliated by the family and the society,for his inability to get a job.The
mother is the only person  who is keen to assist  the young man, with words of support and

The  poet tranforms himself into a child,and flies back into the past,and land in
mother's laps to relive the unforgettable moments of childhood,when she/he clung to
the mother like a baby kangaroo."Marile choodil njan viriyumbol' udathamaya oru
sankalpamanu.Marile choodu indicates the inseparability  of mother and child.Children
are flowers that bloom due to the the  warmth of motherly love.The imagery of pal
(milk) and ' tharattu ' enhance  the tenderness in the relationship between mother and

In the last lines,the poet acknowledges  his indebtedness  to his mother.He  wants to be
born again ,to recreate and re-live the  mesmarising  moments  of childhood.In these lines
the poet is expressing his gratitude to his mother who  brought up him as a loving ,caring
grateful  human being.What  other reward can a child offer to his mother?

The title,'Amma ariyan' is a well-researched title. The son wants the mother to know
that he is  grateful  for everything  that he/she received  during his/her lifetime,and he is yearning
for a second chance to be born again to the same mother.

With this poem,Sony has added another feather to his cap.



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