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13 March,a Happy Day

13 March 2013,a happy day (reflections on the election of Pope Francis 1 )

13 is widely regarded as an unlucky number.But this myth has been exploded,with the election of the new Pope,Francis 1.This is a happy day not only for Catholics around the world,but for all the people of good will.Perhaps the election of the Pope is the only election in the world
without any controversy.This election has mystery,drama,beauty,joy and a clear conclusion.

The new Pope's selection of Francis as his name is particularly exciting
to lovers of the enviornment,because St.francis of Assissi is the patron saint of animals and the environment.There are many stories about his association with nature.

Most people are unaware of the blessings that surround us,because we don't have the time to pay attention to them.We are always on the run to
achieve something big,bypassing the simple,beautiful things around us.

I have been a lover of nature for long,since childhood,and later inspired by the poems of William Wordsworth.

I have been longing to share my experiences with nature here in South Africa,and had written some notes,but I'm sharing them prematurely due to the excitement caused by the election of Pope Francis 1.

On my way to school,which is 35 kms from the small town where I live,there's a bird sanctuary called Barberspan Bird sanctuary.35 kms is a short distance in this vast country.At average speed,this distance is covered in 25-30 minutes,even though 14 kms are gravel road.

In this part of the country,there are no rivers.The rainwater flows to lakes or 'pans'.Barberspan is a 2000 hectre lake,surrounded by grassland.The total area could be 20 square kms.There's a hotel,chalets and facilities for fishing and boating.The lake and its surroundings are home to very rare birds.

I start my trip to school at 6.45 am.In this part of S.Africa,the land is level.The roads are wide and straight.Driving is smooth and comfortable.You'll never find an obstacle in front of you because other vehicles,most of them SUVs, are faster.

After 15 kms I turn to the left.It's the border of the bird sanctuary,which is nicely fenced.On the right I can see the waves of the
lake,with the sun showering golden rays.It's a wonderful sight.My passing there coincides with the most active time of the birds.Birds know no borders,but they like to sit on the fence,facing the sun.Hundreds of birds
sit there,and they scatter upon hearing the sound of the car.Some birds don't mind the sound,and remain in their positions.Hundreds of scared birds fly overhead,and return to their positions after some time.There are
some ostriches,very alert.Sometimes I try to take photos,but they run away quickly.There are guinea fowls,mongoose,squirrels,hares,antelopes etc
running across the road,frightened by the car.One day I narrowly missed
hitting a wild hog with 4 offspring dashing across the road.

The unfortunate part is that today's birds may not be seen tomorrow,or forever.Their movements and migrations are mysterious.There are birds in
large numbers,and some single ones.I have seen some of them on the postal stamps.Occasionally foxes,porcupines and turtles are seen on the road.Some perish,hit by speeding vehicles.I take care by hooting to avoid hitting them.

On both sides of the road,there is a 5foot wall formed by golden grass.As the grass moves in the wind,it looks like a guard of honour.In Malayalam
we say,'pullu vila' or 'poda pulle'as if grass is worthless.The grass on both sides of the road is used for thatching 'lapa',a type of outhouse where family members and visitors can relax doing a 'brai.'

The whole area in sparsely populated. On the left side are grazing fields where beautiful herds of cattle are seen,with lots of white birds attending on them to remove ticks.There are wind-propelled water pumps and tank for the cattle.Unlike our cattle,these have no sheds.They remain in the fields whether it's bitterly cold winter or hot summer.

I see more and more birds as I go forward.I turn to the right after 7 kms and enter a gravel road.The border of the bird sanctuary is passed,but the birds don't know the borders.So they spill into the nearby farms and on to the road.The whole place looks like a busy airport,with a lot of flights landing and taking off.There are arrow-head formations of wild ducks in the sky,providing an air-show.

The gravel road is wide,but very rough.There's a tough motor sport event
on these roads,called Barberspan Rally.

On the right side of the road,there are some mini-lakes,where various types of wild ducks have their home,undisturbed by human beings.In the marshy land nearby,various cranes and ducks are seen.

The most surprising thing is that some of our own birds are found here.These are the kada,irattawalan,eriyan ( a small eagle) and a bird similar to kariyilappida.Of these,the irattavalan is the most beautiful
one.Its tail is longer than that of ours.Of all the birds I have seen here,no one equals irattavalan in beauty and graceful movement.some of them perform a sort of dance in the mid-air.In horizontal movement,it looks like a fish.

On my return from school,the birds keep a low profile.They are tired by the heat of the sun.

In Delareyville town,where I live,the residential area is full of trees.The whole place looks like a small forest.Obviously,birds are attracted to this environment.I have my share of birds,in the trees and in the sky.I have some peach trees in my orchard.The fruits ripen in December,and the birds have a field day feasting on ripe,juicy fruits.I seldom eat the peaches,but enjoy watching the birds pecking them,undisturbed.

I have two old-type tv antennas on top of the house,which is a sitting place for birds that pass this away.Last year,I wanted to have them removed.But I changed my mind.I told myself,"Let them stay.A sort of vazhiyambalam for the birds in transit." Perhaps,unknown to me,St.francis
influenced me to keep them.

I'm sure more and more people will study the life of St.Francis,and develop love for the environment,a positive thing in these difficult times when nature is under severe strain.The new Pope's name itself is going to change the face of the earth,spreading the love for all creation.


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