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A Review of Sony Karackal's new poem,' Pranayam'

             A  review  of  'pranayam'

In  chat,I commented to Sony  that he seems  to be on a rollercoster ride,which
means he is producing   poems at breakneck  speed .As a critic,my
predicament  is like that of a middle-aged soccer referee ,desperately ,trying to keep pace
pace  with the youthful  Messi,Ronaldo etc.Impartially  speaking, I'm afraid,'pranayam'
hasn't  reached  the high  standard of the  previous ones.

'Pranayam'  unnatha nilavarathilekkuyarnnilla  ennu  valachukettllathe parayunnathu
kettu  Sony  keruvikkaruthu. I'm not  sure whether people  today  know the word
keru and  keruvikkuka.It's an affectionate  word meaning  'oru  kochu pinakkam'
within the family, and was used generously and frequently  by my parents and
their  contemporaries.For instance,when I was annoyed with  my parents,they
would say," entha nee keruvicho/ ninakku keruvano?".Ente niroopanam  vayichu
Sony  keruvichalum  saramilla;ithu  kudumbakaryamanu.

Nilavaram uyarnnilla  ennu  paraymbol  moshamanennu  arthamilla.Let me
explain this  using the analogy of sports.Incidentally,I like to mention that
I used to represent St.thomas College Pala in Shot put and  javeline  in inter-
collegiate meets and was first at zonal level in the 1970s.

In the Olympics,a certain  basic high standard  is prescribed at every  stage
of the competition.For example,in the field events,19 M for shot put,80 m for javeline,
8m for long jump,60m for Discus etc.Sometimes, an athlete's  first throw or
jump is a World record,but in the next 5 rounds, he/she is nowhere  near the
first  attempt.Similarly, 'Pranayam'  is nowhere  near the previous  ones.

Pranayam  is a subject  that has been handled inestimable  times as long as
humankind  has existed.But  the  subject never loses its lustre,every  human
being is different,and  the experience  of pranayam  is different .I think a poem
impresses  the reader when he reads something  that has originated from the
bottom of the poet's  heart.One  of my  favourite poems is 'Let me not to the
marriage of  true minds ....( sonnet 116)  of  Shakespeare.I taught this poem
on Valentine's day.I read this poem again and again and reflect on it,but there's no
stage  where I can say,"Oh,this is old stuff,boring.''The sonnet  is immortal
because  we can hear  the heart  beat of the poet in it.In Sony's 'pranayam' I could
hardly hear the poet's herat beat.

The bitter-sweetness of  pranayam  is the lifeblood  of this poem.Pranayam is
not something that is placed  before you on a silver platter.Pranayam is not
smooth  sailing.Pranayam  is a red rose entangled in the thorny  branches of the
plant.To reach  that flower, one has to stretch his hands ,and in that process,the
hand may be pricked,causing sweet pain.The  theme of bitter -sweetness dominates
the poem,obviously  due to the poet's  past  experinces.Akaluvan  mathrmayi
adukkunnathum, ormayude podi pidicha thalukalil  olinju kidakkunna madhurikku
-unnormakale chikanjedukkunnathum  oru  bitter -sweet experinec aanu.

The  best example of  the bitter-sweetness  of  pranayam  is in Romeo and Juliet,
Act 1 ,Scene 1,where  Romeo  tries to explain the puzzle of pranayam to Benvolio
in an avalanche  of oxymorons:

Why then,then,O brawling  love,O  loving hate
O anything ,of nothing first  creates
O heavy  lightness!serious  vanity
Mis-shapen chaos of  well-seeming  forms
Feather of lead,bright  smoke,cold  fire,
Sick  health etc etc

In South Africa,one of the tips  to people  embarking  on long journeys by
road is : Stop  after every 200 Kms, take rest  and proceed.Sony  may be
exhausted by his time,having  written poems  daily.I remember the song;

ente  dukhangalkkinnu  njan  avadi koduthu
Swargathil njanoru  muriyeduthu....

I think it's a good idea for Sony to  lay down his pen during the Holy Week
as a 'pooja veypu' so that  it can be used with redoubled energy after Easter.Anyway
it's only  a  suggestion.Paranjathu kondu keruvikkathirunnal mathi.


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