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Sunday,31 March  2013

Today  is a happy day all over the world  because people are celebrating the resurrection
of Jesus Christ.The experience of Easter  is like  emerging from  a long,dark tunnel,after
a frightening  journey.Easter  brings new  hope to mankind,motivating us to go forward,
to begin a new chapter in our lives.Today is very significant  because we have a new Pope
who leads by example,by washing the feet of women,and by giving up pomp and ceremony.
I'm  sure Pope Francis will  inspire millions of people to build a better world.

This Easter  is specially  joyful for me because I was able to complete and publish my
Biblical play 'The resurrection  of Jesus Christ' to coincide with Easter.It's a milestone in
my career,because it emerged from the bottom of my heart.

1 April   2013

In his latest poem 'Veyilpookkal' Sony Karackal  deviates from his pet theme,pranayam,and
sings about 'veyilpookkal' which,I Think,is a metaphor for happiness.

Many people don't like literature,poetry  in particular.This is because kavithavasanayum
kavithaswadanaseshiyum  God-given  varam aanu.Maybe,only 20% people have that
varam.Second,some poems are very difficult to understand.The poet is like a bomber
who secretly plants a bomb,and walks away.After the explosion,it's the daunting task of
the cleaners,the investigators,bomb squad,forensic experts etc to  pick up the pieces and
recreate the situation to find answers.Similarly ,some poets write difficult poems,and leave it to
the reader and the critic,as a 'keeramutty.'

I'm not suggesting that "veyilpookkal is a difficult poem.But one might ask,"What are these
vellipookkal'? I think these flowers are purely the poet's imagination,a metaphor for happiness.
It is an Utopia  where the poet likes to reside in a state of bliss.This is evident  from the
line,"kothitheeratha dweepilanachidunnu'.These are flowers of happiness.Why did the poet
use the imagery of the island? Generally,islands  are known as earthly Paradise.The poet
wants to withdraw into the serenity and privacy of the island to feel the endless shower of

In the first few lines,the poet contradicts himself by saying,''Dukhangalude mazha
marangalum  ishtamanenikku".Perhaps he is influenced by the general belief,embedded in
our psyche,that Karkkadakam is a month of misery.(panja karkkadakam).Why does the
poet like the 'mazhamarangal'? The reader is left clueless.I think 'vishadam'is more suitable
than 'dukham'.

Overall,the poem creates a positive impact on the reader.


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