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A review of Sony Karackal's poem,'Thirike Varoo'

27 March,2013
Delareyville, South  Africa

Today  is one of the most pleasant  days of this year.Light  rain fell,on and off,since
yesterday,transforming  the whole atmosphere,with low temperature ranging from
18 to 25,and  the air being 100% pure,the birds flying criss-cross all over,with the
mazhapullu ( a bird ) high up in the air,testing signs of more rain,my cat Appu,perfectly
contented because during this vacation we are not flying to India-this is the ideal time
to listen to music or to read a poem.In such serene  setting,"padatha veenayum padum'
enne enikku parayanullu.If I'm able to analyse Sony's latest poem objectively,it's mainly
due to the serenity of the place.

The poem 'Thirike varoo ' is a cry in the wilderness.Oru rodanamanithu.The poet is
falling on the thorns of agony,and is bleeding.Nadikale puzhakalodupamikkunnathu
ella kavikalkkum priyamulla karyamanu.Periyare..peryare enna athulya ganam orkkuka.
kulirum kondu kunungi nadakkunna Malayali pennanu nee enna vaylarinte aa pattu
kettu koritharichavaranu ente generationl pettavar.'poonthenaruvi,ponmudipuzhayude
anujathy...enna ganam ,malayalathile ettavum mikacha oru ganamanu.''eeranaya nadiyude
maril...nadiyile aa ganam ormayille.Angane ethrayo  songs,poems..

The poet has correctly compared the  lady in his thoughts to Ganga.Ganga is a mystery.
Its depth and vastness are unfathomable.It's beautiful,but under its beauty lies encoded

The lady in this poem was,perhaps,a nadan pennu in the initial stages."santhamaya
nadi ayirunnaval".During the school days she was an angel-like ,simple girl,who was
not exposed to the outside world.

In the next stage,we see the girl copletely transformed,I think,due to higher education,and
an enviable career that catapults her into sky-high levels.A career woman exposed to
modernity,and who carved out her own path..who completely ignored her balyakala
suhruth.This is evident from ''ozhukumthorum aazham koodunna,kayangal pathiyirikkunna
She became unapproachable,alienated.The imagery of kayam is most frightening.In
Kerala,hundreds of youngsters have been swallowed by 'kayam' from times immemorial.
Kumaran asan was a victim of kayam.The lady was an embodiment of the mystery of
the modern,career woman.Maybe there is such a lady in the subconscious mind of the
poet,who drifted from him and went far far away due to her upping the ladder of career success
and even chose to remain a spinster.

'Karakal idichu nirathi' ennathu laghavathil paranju poya onnalla.As I see it,the karakal
mean the family and society.I think she defied both by marrying into another religion
or caste.Remember Surayya (madhavikutty).By writing her autobiography ,revealing
intimate secrets,Surayya defied both family and society.She raised her defiance to the
highest peak by converting to Islam.

As I mentioned before,"Thirike Varoo' is a deenarodanam.It's a cry in the wilderness.
The poet is contemplating the irreversible;a river will never  flow back.She has gone so far away
to a point of no return.Yet the poet laments for her return.The poet accepts that she is
"Doorangalil ororma mathram".Yet he begs her to come back,because ,once he had loved
her  deeply.



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