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RESCUE MISSION 2101 "(Drama)

 This play is set in Kerala on 2101.
The characters :

1. The CM (Chief Minister)
2. The Accuser ( leader of the opposition)
Large crowds
An all -party conference attended by people from all walks of life. the CM addresses the gathering.

Friends, lovers and all Malayalees, I have convened this meeting to discuss a grave matter of great urgency, a matter that needs to be handled above party lines, and matter that can be solved only with the united effort of all the people.
Don't beat about the bush.Come straight to the point.
I have bad news for you. An asteroid, 50 km long, is shooting towards earth at breakneck speed, and is scheduled to hit the earth on 15 March 2101. Beware the Ides of March. Our technology is not advanced enough to intercept and destroy the asteroid, which is called Malvolio XX. The existence of our beloved planet Earth is at stake. Only ten days are left.
(laughing wildly) This is the best joke of 2101!Utter nonsense. don't waste our time narrating stupid cock and bull stories.

Accuser,since I took office, you have opposed me purely for the sake of opposing. You have aligned with murderers, whores, fraudsters and the gutter channels to unseat me.But this
time the stakes are high.It's a matter of life and death,do or die.Forget cheap politics and unite to find a way out of the impending apocalypse.

Then,what is your solution?

Luckily, there's light at the end of the tunnel. The only solution is to leave this planet before Malvolio strikes, and migrate to another planet.

(The Accuser and his supporters boo wildly. The crowds are uncontrollable)
Good people, listen to me patiently so that you may believe and save yourselves from eternal damnation. The Americans have discovered a habitable planet called Azania, 25 times larger than the Earth, where everyone
will get a place.
No,no,no.We don't want anything from the Americans. This is a Capitalist -Imperialist -Zionist conspiracy to enslave humanity forever. We will have none of that.


Accuser, I beg you, give up your obstinacy, arrogance and ignorance and unite to save the entire humanity from annihilation. The Americans aren't bad guys. They have offered a spacecraft for Keralites to escape from Earth.


No. Me and my party distance ourselves from this mission. If your story is true, we will seek help from the North Koreans.


Accuser, for ages, you have been a stumbling block to the progress of Kerala. when computers, shopping malls, autonomous universities etc came, you opposed them. Your mindset is rooted in the 19th century.
At least now, dump your outdated ideology and violent methods and join the mainstream of humanity.

How is it possible to transport 4 crore Keralites to the new planet?


Science can do miracles. All of us will be transformed into ants when we enter the spacecraft. When we step down on the soil of Azania after five years, we will transform into humans.


No, no,no. This is absurd. This is a conspiracy to eliminate the poor and the oppressed from the Earth.


Anyway, you have until 12 March to decide.Think rationally, and decide.


          SCENE 2
12 March 2101. The spacecraft is ready for take -off. Thousands of people queue up to enter. As they pass the last Security Check, they transform into ants.On one side, the Accuser and his followers shout slogans,and wave black flags. They hurl abuses at the CM.


Accuser, please, I beg you. Save yourselves from wipe -out. There's enough space left for all of you. I beg you... please..


No, no, no. We will have none of that. Go away.

(The spacecraft blasts off)

Scene 3

15 March 2101. The Earth is seen in all its glory. Suddenly, the light intensifies. The asteroid Malvolio hits the Earth. Huge clouds of ash float in the atmosphere.



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