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Homecoming -2

On 17 December 2015, I became a homeless person.It was the day of our departure for India for our Christmas vacation. I became homeless because I sold my house,27,Buiten Street,Delareyville,where we had lived since 15 February, 2004.I handed over the keys to  the new owner, a noble Afrikaaner lady.By a strange coincidence, I had bought the house from a noble Afrikanner lady.
House -shifting is a difficult task for me.It's so difficult that if someone offered me a huge mansion freely,I would politely decline the offer simply because of the back-breaking
 task of shifting.

Delareyville isn't a posh town.This is a town of the common people. No big buildings, no billionaires, no posh cars, nothing of that sort. Just ordinary people leading simple lives. Ordinary workers,government servants,farmers, teachers etc.There's a sense of equality

One positive thing about Delareyville is that there's no development in the area, and nobody is complaining about it. Development brings large scale migration, destruction of the environment, too much traffic, noise, dust etc.

In Delareville, there are many houses for sale, but demand is low.But houses and flats for rent are in high demand, and difficult to find. Luckily, we found a suitable, 2-bedroom house owned by our Portuguese friends, Johnny and Fatima. it's a sort of guest house close to their house, with the same gate.

We have known Johny and Fatima for 28 years. They run a popular Cafe. A cafe sells a lot of things, including takeaways,and are open after official hours. The couple are always at the two counters, serving the people with a friendly smile.

On a Sunday before our departure, Johnny transported most of our furniture using his truck, and stored them in his garage.

The people of this area are very friendly, generous and helpful.
They offer a helping hand, even without asking. When we returned from India,the new owner's son offered to transport our remaining furniture and other belongings, using his trailer.

In Delareville, the residential area has a lot of trees. A lot of birds too. Our old house is situated on a 2000 square metre plot. A lot of birds live in the trees,and some others just pass by.In November /December, various birds flock to the peach trees to eat the red/green peaches.We had a vegetable garden that provided us with vegetables from October to May.

We had a small dog called Sydney. He was really pampered with dogfood, milk and bones. But he didn't become obese because he was a fast runner. Before our departure, Sydney was given to a colleague.

In our new place, we live in perfect harmony with the Johnys. Even though I lost Sydney, I have two new friends;two cats,one black and the other one grey.
At first, they were suspicious of me,and they kept a distance from me.After a few days, the black one came to me, but the grey one was still reluctant. I bribed them with a can of catfood. Now they come asking for more, but I have none. It was only a bribe, a once -off bribe! When I sit under the big fig tree to escape from the summer heat,the Blackie climbs on to my lap,and uses his claws to show affection.

In the next plot,which belongs to the Johnys, I found a pomegranate tree, uncared for. The fruits are almost ripe.Some burst due to the hot sun. Some were on the ground, hidden by thick grass. I removed the grass, and used some planks to prop up the fruits. The taste of the original fruit is very different from what we buy from the shop. I eat at least one daily.


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