Form HD
1.Name of the party declaring hurtall (Hurt All) ........BJP
2 Purpose of the Hurtall: None
3 Date of Hurtall : 14 December 2018
4 Duration of Hurtall : 6 a m to 6 p m
5 Exemptions if any :Milk, Newspaper ,Weddings, burials
6. Advantages of the proposed Hurtall : None
7 Loss to the economy: Rs 5000 crores
8 Specify Hurtall activities : 1. Road blocks 2. Stone pelting 3.bombings .4 arguments 5.altercations 6.brawls 7 Assault and
battery ( not car battery)
9. Inconvenience alert: Red
10 : ,Any previous experience in Hurtall : Yes
11. If the answer to the above is YES, give full details.(Use a separate sheet)
12 Contact details: Not Applicable
We hereby declare that we shall wholeheartedly endevour to
cause maximum inconvenience to the general public. We are not
liable for any loss of life, injuries or damage to property during the Hurtall.
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