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To mark or not to mark ( a short play)

                     The play is  set in Mmabatho , South Africa.
                      The Characters
                       Chandy (64), a teacher
                        Annamma (62)  his wife,also a teacher

              Scene  1
              chandy's  house.It's 3.45 PM. Annamma  relaxing on a sofa, watching TV.Her
                                        facial  expressions show  that is is engrossed  in the program
                                        she  is  watching.
               ( enter  Chandy. He is very  tired  and  upset.)
      Chandy : (furiously) See, the  circular  for the marking  test  is  out.
       ( Annamma  doesn't  pay  attention )
      Chandy : Annamma, didn't  you  hear  me? Read  the  circular  for  the  marking
                      test.  ( he  throws  the circular  at  her )
      Annamma :    what   test  ?

     Chandy :          The  markers'   test.

     Annamma :     If  there is a  markers'  test, so  be it. Chandy, go and eat your lunch.
                            We  shall  talk  about  it  after  this  episode.

     Chandy :         I  can't   stand  this.

     Annamma:     Then  sit  down. relax. Don't  disturb  me.

    Chandy  :   "Ammaykku   prana  vedana, makalkku  veenavayana ."

   Annamma :  Take  it easy.

  Chandy  :   I  can't  tolerate  this. ( takes  the circular  from  the floor).This  is  a slap
                    in  the  face. Me..   to  write  a  test  at  this  advanced  age, (shakes his
                    head ).A person like me who  has his legs  extended  into  the grave...No..
                    I  will  not  write   this  test....this  has  grave  implications  for  me..
  Annamma : Take  it  or  leave  it . It's   your  choice.

  Chandy :  Remember, you  are  also  affected.

  Annamma :  I  don't  worry  about it.

  Chandy  :   My  case  is  different. I  was  Chief  Marker,  Examiner, Internal  
                    moderator, etc etc. Asking  me  to  write a  lowly  test  is  asking  Oommen
                    Chandy  to  write  a  PSC  test  for  L.D. Clerk..

  Annamma :  Chandicha, please  give up your ego. In  this  country, people  don't  see
                        things  in  this  way. You  have  the  freedom  to  choose.Furthermore,
                        you  have  been  in  this marking  business  for 25  years. You  have
                        chronic  backpain  due  to  sitting  for  long  periods.Now  is  the time
                         to   quit.

   Chandy  :  I  am  thinking   of  legal  options.

  Annamma:  Don't  make  a  mountain  out  of  a  molehill. You have only one year
                      to  retire. Give up  marking, and   take  rest. We have  amassed  enough

    Chandy  :   No, I  am  not  going  to  stoop  so  low  to  accept  this humiliation
                      passively. I  am  going to mobilise  people.

  Annamma  : It   is  not  going  to  work.This   circular  is  approved   by  SADTU.

  Chandy :     I  don't  think  so.I  will  do everything  possible  to  nullify  this.

                                                       SCENE  2
              (  Chandy  is  in  his  garden,alone, pacing  up  and  down, in deep thought )

   Chandy :   If  I  don't  sit  for  the  test, they  will  simply  cancel  my  invitation
                     for  marking.I  will  be  the  loser. Once  dropped, they  won't  consider
                    me  next  year. And  that  is  my  last   year  in  teaching. It  would be  a
                    double  loss. R 15000-00  is not   child's  play.It  would  be unwise  to
                     forfeit  such  a  huge  amount  when  prices  are  going up. The  other
                     day  I  paid  R 22000  for  two  airtickets...Marking  money  is  vital
                      to  compensate  that...........
                     Alternatively, if  I  write  the test  and  fail, it  would  be a disgrace.
                     People  would  judge  me  as a fake  marker  all these  years. My 
                     reputation  will  collapse  like the  twin towers. I  will  become  a
                     laughing   stock  among  the Malayalees.......
                     So  weighing   both  options, to  mark  or  not to mark, ...sit  for  the  test
                     and  be  confirmed...or ...boycott  the  test  and  be  dumped  for ever.
                       ( enter  Annamma)
 Annamma  :  I  was  looking  for  you.

  Chandy :    Full  of  scorpions  is my mind, Annamma.
                            (  cell  phone rings.Chandy  takes  it )
  Chandy  :  I  am  OK. Is   that  so ? It  is  great  news. Are  you  sure ? I  am  very
                    happy. Thank  God. OK, Ok, I  will   call  you   later.

  Annamma:   What's  the  news ?

Chandy :  Good  news. The  test is  cancelled. That  was  Abraham. SADTU 
                  threatened  with a  boycott. The official  who  issued  the circular
                  had  to  relent.The   test  is  a  closed  chapter.

Annamma :   I  see.

Chandy:    Thanks, SADTU.
                          ( curtain )                       


  1. Good one.. Was there something recently in SA to make a similar test mandatory?


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