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The 1962 Chinese seizure of Indian territory (article)


    The  invasion  and  seizure of  tens of  thousands  of  square  kilometers  of  Indian
    territory  by  the  Chinese  in  1962  is  the most  painful  chapter  in  our  recent
    history. Prior to the invasion ( it was not a war: it was one -sided )China  and  India
    had  signed  many  non-agression  pacts, and  the slogan " Indi-Chini Bhai,Bhai '
    was  recited  enthusiastically  by  Indians. The Chinese  had  hoodwinked  the
    then Prime  Minister, Jawaharlal  Nehru, into  believing  that  the  Chinese  were
    good  neighbours and  trustworthy  brothers  while  they were preparing  for the
    When  the Chinese  attacked, the Indian  army  was caught  off-guard, without any
     readiness  and weapons. The  Indian soldiers' 303  rifles  were no match  for  the
    Chinese  machine  guns, and  more  than 3000 Indian  soldiers  were  mowed 
    down  like sitting ducks. I remember  the  bravery  and  patriotism  of  a  Sikh
    Jawan  who seized  the  machine gun  from a  Chinese  soldier,and  killed 8 of
    them  before being  martyred.

    The  Cinese  attack  was a total  humiliation  for India. Nehru  never recovered
     from  the  shock  and  pain  the Chinese treachery  had  inflicted on him.His
     health  was  affected ,and  it led  to  his death  in 1964. V.K.Krishna Menon,
    the then Defense  Minister, was blamed  for lack of  preparedness, and  had to
    resign. Y.B.Chavan  was  appointed  as  Defense  Minister.
    The  Americans  and  the  British  sent  military  delegations  to   advise  India
    about  boosting  our  defense  capabilities.

     India  didn't  have  enough  money  to  strengthen  our  defenses. People  all
     over  the  country  contributed  to  the defense effort, contributing  what little
     they  had ,money,blood, jewellery etc.
     The  Indian  Communists  sided  with  the Chinese  when  our Jawans'  blood
      spread  in streaks  over  the  Himalayan  snow. They  referred  to  our  lost
      territory  as  "the  territory  that  we claim as ours ".The  Communist  Party of
      India ( undivided)  was  running  dogs  and  puppets  of  the  Soviet  and Chinese
      Communist  parties. People  used  to  say, " When  it  rains  in Moscow,the
      communists  in  India  open their  umbrellas."

      Lata  Mangeshkar  immortalised  the  nation's  pain in a  song that, even  today,
      fills  our eyes  with tears.

      JAI   HIND



  1. this article is in connection with the attack on
    India by the Chinese in 1962


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