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In  Kerala, if  a  woman's  gold  chain ( or duplicate, by mistake) is snatched  by  a  thief,
either  on foot  or on  a bike, that  news item  is  flashed  on  the  myriad  TV  channels in
big  red  font, as  "BREAKING  NEWS ", and  all  the  TV  crews  rush  to  the  spot, vying
to  report the event  as  interestingly  as  possible  for  the  millions  of  Malayalees at  home
and  abroad. Sometimes, the  hapless  thief  is  caught  with a duplicate  gold chain, and 
subjected  to  a  round  of  mob  justice, before  being  handed over  to  the police.Then there
would be the interviews  with  the victim, making her an  instant  celebrity.

Not  so in  South Africa.The  snatching of a wallet, cell phone  or  cash, in  broad daylight
is  not  worth  mentioning, even to  your  closest  friends, because the usual  response would
be," So  what ?"  In  this country, where an average  of 50 murders  take place daily,snatch-
-ing  a wallet  or  cell  phone, or a burglary  at  your  house  doesn't  qualify  for  media
attention,because such  incidents  are  so  common. To  qualify, the incident needs to be,
at least, a  massacre.In  sharp contrast, in Kerala, if a minister's speeding  car knocks down
a  stray dog, it  would be "BREAKING  NEWS".The incident  would trigger a saga  of
live  reporting, panel discussions, debates, phone-ins,sms,expert  opinions,opinion polls,press
conferences etc etc.In  Malayalam,we say," A  coconut  fell on the  head of a  dog that was
craving  to moan".

I  used to  boast  to  my friends,"Delareyville  is a very safe place.No  robberies,break-ins,
muggings,you  name it.Even  if   you  forgot  to  lock  your  house and your gate, no problem.
When  you  return  after work, you  find  your  house  intact.No trespassing,nothing."

That  myth  of  absolute  security  burst like a bubble on 9th May  2012.We  are  only
 two  people-myself and my wife Leelamma-who  live in  our  big  house.The area  where
we  live  is very quiet, with very  few  people  around.We   depart  to  our school, 35 kms
away, at  7 am  and  return at  about  4 pm. The domestic  worker  works only  on Saturdays.
There  is a  gardener  who  works  for 2 days per  week.In  May, he  was absent  due  to
illness. We  didn't  keep a dog or install an  alarm system, because both  of them make loud
noise  when  we are fast  asleep. Why  spend  money  to  deprive  ourselves of sleep?

On 9th may, when  we returned  from  school  around  3.45  PM, there  was nothing unusual
at  the  front  door.But  as  we  moved  into  the  rooms, we  were  taken aback by the mess
all  around.OUR HOUSE  HAD BEEN BURGLED! All  the cupboards, drawers and  shelves
had  vomitted their  contents.The  beds  and  matresses were  overturned. Things  were litter-
-ed  all  around. The  burglars  had  left  a  trail  of  mix-ups.

The burglars  had  cut  the  grill  of  a window  of the master  bedroom,and bent  it inwards,
making  a  gap to  enter  the  room. They  seemed  to  have spent at  least  7  hours  in the
house, searching every  nook  and corner  of  our three bed rooms.The other three rooms were
untouched,maybe because  time ran out. They  were  looking  for gold, because Indians are
known  for stockpiling  gold.

The  initial  shock  of  the burglary  died  down, as we realised that  our  passports and
vital  documents were safe.Perhaps  the  thieves had an intution about the difficulties
of  getting  things  done  at  the Indian  High Commission, and felt  sympathy  for us.
Anyway,Leelamma's favorite gold necklace  and some other gold items  were taken.
She  had  left them carelessly  in a cupboard, because  she was too busy in the evenings
watching  Malayalam  Tv channels.The  other  items taken were: a  laptop, a camera,some
watches, perfumes, a GPS, a handicam,some Indian Rupees and dollar notes.

From the  clues left  by  the  burglars,and from  their  modus  operandi , I  conjured up
their  profiles,assessing  their  skills, tactics ,attitudes and  their  motivation.They  were
highly  skilled  professional  burglars,with long experinece, very diligent, with meticulous
precision in doing  things. For  instance, they had cut  the grill without  breaking the
window  glasses. Very  considerate  to  the house-owner  indeed. They  were careful  not
to  damage anything unnecessarily. They  were  self-disciplined and had  some code of
conduct.They  could have drunk the whisky that was left in a bottle, or eaten  the food
in the fridge,but they  didn't.They  were  hard workers,as evidenced by the painstaking
effort  they  had taken to  examine every  object  in the three rooms.

I  could not resist laughing, even at that  stressful hour, noticing thousands  of 1c, 5c and
10 c coins scattered  all over. Those coins had  been accummulated over  a period  of 24
years,in a bag,and weighed at least  4 kgs.We  had preserved them with  the hope of  con-
-verting  them into paper currency at  the bank, on a  convenient day,which never came.
The  burglars seemed to have suspected that  gold coins  had been hidden among  those
cheap  coins.
Looking at  the mess  in the  rooms,I  was  surprised  to  see  the enormity  of  the
possessions we had, most  of  them  outdated,unwanted  items that  had  been hybernat-
ing  in the old suitcases  in  the upper cupboards.Some suitcases  contained the  the dresses
of  our two  daughters  when they  were  small  children.We  had kept the dresses to donate
to  some orphanage  or  charity, but had shelved  the suitcases  and our  good  intentions,
due to  other  pressing matters.

Leelamma  had left her favourite  gold  neckless  carelessly  in a cupboard,and  the easy
discovery  of   it  served  as a  catalyst  for  the burglars to  launch a  treasure hunt  for
the  jackpot, hidden  somewhere  in  the house.They  must have thought, " If  the  lady
of  the house  can   leave  a   gold  neckless  so casually, she must  be very  rich,and  there
must  be a jackpot  hidden in the house." So  they  launched  the hunt  for  the jackpot that
didn't  exist.The  search  was  so  thorough  and  meticulous  that ,by  the  time they  finished
the  3rd bedroom, the time was over.

In  the 1990s,we  lived  in a small  house at  Atamelang,a  small  township.We  were dis-
-advantaged  by  lack  of  space  in  the house, and  prayed  for  a  big  house,in  Delarey-
-ville. Our  prayers  were  answered  in  2004 .Now  our  predicament is like that of  an odd,
previously  childless  couple, who  prayed for a child,a son,and  was  richly  rewarded  with
quadruplets-four  girls.

It's  only  when  we shift  house  or  when  our  houses  are  ransacked  by  thieves during
our  absence,that  we  realise  the  quantity  and  variety   of  things  that  we  had  accumu-
-lated  over  the  years, and  blame  ourselves  for  money ill-spent. Some  ladies  buy things
at  first  sight, and  store  them   somewhere, to  be forgotten  sooner  or  later ,just  like
our first  love in  real  life.Often, the cost  of transporting  our  belongings are costlier  than
the  things  themselves.

It  was due  to  the size  of  the  house and   quantity  of  the contents  that  the  burglars
abandoned  their  search  for  the  jackpot  half-way.

*      *      *    *     *      *       *       *        *        *        *         *      *      *


The   gangleader  and  the burglars,B1   and  B2

Leader:  How  was  your  mission "operation Goldmine" guys ?

B1 :  It  was a  resounding  success.

B2 : A   clean  sweep.

Leader:  What  have  you  got  here. Let  me see.

             ( B1  and  B2  put   two  bags  on  the  table  and  proudly  and  carefully
               open  them )

B 1:  We  got  a  lot  of  real  stuff. Gold necklaces, bangle  sets, ear rings ....

 (  The  leader's  facial  expression  changes  to  anger  as he examines the items )

Leader :  You  idiots.These   are not  gold! These  are  duplicate  bangles ! duplicate
                chains.( he  breaks them  and  throws them at B1  and  B2.)...This  necklace
                is  the  only  item  that  seems  to  be  gold. I am not  sure.I  must  have it
                tested. these  ear-rings  are not  gold.

B2 :  We  didn't   realise  that.

Leader  :  All  that  glitters  is  not  gold. What  other  things  have  you  got ?

B1 :  A  lot  of things. A  laptop, a handicam, a GPS, watches, spectacles...

Leader : ( examining  the  things  one by  one )  All  these  things  are  outdated. This
                laptop  is  faulty. This  camera, it's of 2005. A  cellphone can do  the functions
                of  this  camera. These  spectacles ! ( he wears a  pair ) I  can't  see you.Seems
                it's  snowing  here. ( he removes them and  breaks them,and  throws  the pieces
                at  B1  and  B2.) These  are the bifocal  spectacles worn  by  old  people.To make
                matters  worse, you have  brought  the wrong  adaptors  for all  these items.

B2 :  We  are  very  sorry. That  house  contains  a  lot  of  old  things. So it was  very
          difficult  to  identify  the  correct  adaptors.

B1 :  We  didn't  search  the  whole  house. There's  still  a chance to  find  a  jackpot

Leader : You  will  get  nothing  there. You  wasted one  day. You  burgled the  wrong
               house.Your  mission was  " Operation  Cowdung", not Operation Goldmine.

B1:  Boss, can  we have  our  wages  for  today?

Leader  :  How  much ?

B1 :   R 700  for  7 hours'  labour. R 300  for  transport  and  catering.Total  R 2000 for
          both  of  us.

Leader  :   R 2000  for  your  shabby   work! You  are   fired!

                          *                      *                        *                      *



How  are  you  guys? What's  the  latest  news  from  Burglarspoort ? I  hope  your activities
are  going  very  well. I  hope  you  are  having  a  field  day.

Guys, I'm  writing  this letter  to  thank  you  for  your  visit  on  9th  May  2012. Since your
visit, my "Shukhradasa  ( a period  of  good  fotune )  started.Your   visit  was  a  turning
point  in  my  life, a  blessing  in  disguise. Thanks  to  your  efforts, I  have  replaced  my  old
and   outdated  things. Special  mention  is  needed  for   my  new  laptop. The old  one had
serious   flaws,like  the date  not corresponding.The  most  positive  thing is  that, with my new
laptop, I  joined  Facebook, and  have  a  wonderful  time  with  new  friends.Facebook inspired
me  to  become a  blogger.Both   are  very  very  enjoyable. Pals,you  must  definitely  join
Facebook  and  share  your  expertise  globally. I  want  to  be  close  friends with  you
on  Facebook.

The second  purpose  of  this  letter  is  to  invite  you  to  my  house. One difference:come  when
we  are  at  home,and  enter  through  the  front  door.Don't  hurt  yourselves  by jumping  over
the  wall.Come  with  the  whole  family, and  have  a  wonderful  day.Let  us  have  a  brai.You
can  have  the drink  of  your choice; whisky,brandy,beer-anything,you name  it.Last  time,you
didn't  drink  the  whisky,maybe  due  to etiquette,or  due  to  your code  of  conduct.( Don't drink
while  on duty )

I  know  you  have  problems  with  the adaptors. Don't  worry. I  have identified  the correct
adaptors,and  kept them  in a safe place. Come and take them.It's  free.Terms  and conditions
do  not  apply.

Once  again,thanking  you  in  anticipation,



  1. A Big Bravo !!! Nothing else to say

    Like to specifically mention the English version of our great Malayalam proverb

    മോങ്ങാനിരുന്ന നായയുടെ തലയില്‍ തേങ്ങ വീണ പോലെ

    A coconut fell on the head of a dog that was
    craving to moan


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