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The attack on Oommen Chandy ( opinion )

The  attack on  Oommen Chandy

Today is a sad and dark day for  Kerala.  The Honourable  Chief Minister of  Kerala, Shri Oommen
Chandy   was  attacked and injured  by  CPM goondas  at Kannur. This is an unprecedented
incident  in the history of Kerala, and most  probably in the history of India. For the first time, a Chief
Minister has been attacked and injured in stone-throwing  in broad daylight  by a bunch of hooligans.

Every   democratically - minded Keralite  should  hang  his/her head in shame following this ugly
episode, which is a total disgrace to the state. This is not a matter that affects only Oommen Chandy and his party, but it's a matter of great concern to every peace-loving  Malayalee.

If the Chief Minister of the state has no safety in broad daylight, what about the safety of the
ordinary citizens? Of late, lawlessness has been on the rise in Kerala, inspired by the  violent and
undemocratic  tactics of the CPM. For over 4 months, the  CPM  has been  on a misadventure to
unseat  the democratically elected  Chief Minister of the state, on allegations that have no basis.

The  absurdity of the  CPM campaign  is that it's  based on personal  grudge and  hatred,and not
on any principles. They  have tried all kinds of dirty tricks against  Oommen Chandy, dragging
his  family  members  into  baseless  allegations, with  the evil motive to tarnish the image of the
whole family. They even tried to  invade into his privacy, by showing black flags when he was going to church  at Puthuppally.

There are alarming signs that  Kerala is fast  becoming a lawless, uncivilised country ,mainly due
to the culture of disrespect, violence and intimidation  nurtured by the CPM. For example, the
DYFI  activists  often take the law into their own hands, attacking their opponents and destroying
property. They have a culture of intolerance, whereby they block roads and declare Hartals for matters that  can be solved through peaceful  negotiations.

Perhaps  Kerala is the only country where, after a bus accident, the mobs burn down the bus in
the middle of the road. The daily visuals of buses being burned, looks like the aftermath of  bombings
in  Baghdad, Mogadishu or Karachi. When a patient dies in hospital, sometimes the relatives assault
the doctor and damage the property of the hospital, alleging  neglect by the doctor.

The  CPM's  ' holier than thou'  attitude in the solar thattippu case is most hypocritical. If they are
sincerely opposed to corruption, why don't they do something to  eradicate corruption at the
State's borders, where officials  accept bribes daily from the truck drivers and allow tax evasion
of millions of rupees to take place? What about the corruption in the RTO  offices ?

It's common  knowledge that ,in some government  offices, the poorest of the poor are denied
help, and are driven from post to pillar so that officials are bribed to get things done. This is
depicted effectively in 'Marimaayam' in Mazhavil manorama. Some government offices are
dens of corruption and incompetence. But the CPM turns  a blind eye to this.

It's the denial of services to the suffering people by  some officials,  and also due to cumbersome
procedures that  delay much -needed assistance to the poor  that necessitated Oommen Chandy's
contact  sessions with the masses.

Kerala's  rivers and streams have been destroyed by the sand mafia and other mafias. In some
areas, the common people have been  terrorised by  the quarry mafias. People's houses have developed  cracks, their lives are in danger, their health is affected, but the CPM isn't  concerned
about it. Large  tracts  of government land has been lost to wealthy individuals, with the
connivance of  government officials. The LDF  ruled the state for many five-year  terms. What did they do to  eradicate corruption ?

Now  they are baying for the blood of  Oommen Chandy due to their anger and frustration stemming from  the success of the 'pothujana samparkka  paripadi'. The stone-throwing incident shows the
depravity  of the CPM.

Today's incident  has shown to the whole world that Kerala is a violent  country, where criminals can attack the State's Chief  Minister with impunity. If this lawlessness is allowed to continue, Kerala will be viewed as a banana republic.



  1. A very interesting blog. All the educated and democratically minded people should show their moral indignation against this most inhumane,uncivilized and rowdy behaviour of Kannoor group CPIM.Those attackers of OOmmen Chandy are lower tnan the savages. The so called leaders who led those savages are dangerous to society.

  2. Thanks for your response.In my opinion, the responses from Pravasis aren't enough, perhaps due to fear of reprisals from CPM goondas. Kerala would have been another Switzarland or Australia,had it not been for the curse of Communism that has plagued the state since its birth. Political thuggery of the CPM has surpassed all limits, and reached rock bottom. Now they make crude jokes about Oommen Chandy's injury and try to justify their thuggery telling pure lies in the media.


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