The Age of Scandals ( Satire ) In the year 2030, Thattippu Nadu ( formerly known as Kerala ) was ruled by the CDF ( Corrupt Democratic Front ) and the ODF ( Outdated Democratic Front ) sat in the Opposition. It is a falsehood to say that the ODF sat in the Opposition, because ,in fact, they usually stood in the assembly in protest, or walked out. The Chief Minister of that period was Mr Chacko Thommen, and it was the third year of his stewardship of Thattippu Nadu. Power changed hands between the two Fronts every five years because the people became bored and disillusioned with the incumbents and threw them out. But the misery, insecurity and hardships of the' am admi ' continued regardless of whoever was in power. Actually power was in the hands of Goondas, Mafias and lobbies, who were a law unto themselves, and ...