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Farewell to Madiba ( opinion )

15 December 2013

Another fine day. It  rained unexpectedly yesterday, like an unexpected bonus paid into the account.
There's golden sunshine and ever-increasing greenery around. The peaches in my orchard are ripening, with the golden colour increasing every day. But there are few takers, because the birds want them to be fully ripe and juicy. The  quality of the fruits isn't so impressive  because of the lack
of rains in the last few months. What's enjoyable is the sight of the branches bending down and touching  the ground due to the weight of the ripening fruits.

South Africans and the entire world have been focussing on the final farewell to Mandela.
The wheel has come full circle, with Madiba's body  arriving at his birthplace. Ram is constructing
his fifth nest ,and I don't know for what purpose. I don't see any residents coming to occupy
them. Perhaps he builds the nests just as a pastime. There's a mystery  surrounding the nests.
As for Appu, there's nothing to do. Only eating and sleeping. We  sat for a brief discussion.


Hai,guys, how is the Sunday ?

Very nice, with golden  sunshine and clean, fresh air.


A  perfect  day.


An ideal day to  bid farewell to Madiba.

Exactly. A fitting farewell.


Most ideal day because he brought sunshine into the lives of millions of people.


Not only here, but all over the world.


But, while paying tribute to Madiba, I'm worried about many things, especially about education.

What's the problem ?


You know that  education was the key issue that triggered the demise of apartheid. In 1976, the
black  students of Soweto  started an uprising against the imposition of Afrikaans  as the medium
of instruction. Actually, it was an uprising against  inferior education for black children.


What's its relevance  today ?


Its   relevance is that the quality  of education hasn't improved in  the  rural areas where poor
black people live. In the big cities, education is  O.K,but  in the rural schools, things aren't OK


What's  the problem ?


Very  few  students offer Mathematics, Physical  Science, Computer Science etc. That's the
problem. So very few rural  students qualify as doctors ,engineers,  accountants etc. This
adversely  affects the poor communities. For example, there are no hospitals in rural areas,and
the sick people need to be taken to a hospital 150-200 kms away for special treatment.
There's a shortage of specialists in cities also. There aren't  enough accountants to audit the accounts
of municipalities and Government Departments. There aren't enough engineers to fix the roads and
the drainage  problems. This is worrying. Even in Kerala, there's a shortage of doctors and specialists
to serve the poor people.

That's really  alarming.


You, the youth aren't doing your role in improving the quality  of education. Some of you
are undisciplined. You arrive at school late, do not concentrate in the class, have no respect
for teachers,and spend  most of your time on social networks.


No, no we are not of that sort.


Maybe, but generally, many  of the youth today have no direction. You see, without discipline,
nothing can be achieved .To make matters worse, many of you drink liquor, especially at the
weekends, don't you ?
                                      Appu  and  Ram

Yes, we do.


There lies the problem. In Kerala also, we have the same problem. In Kerala, some youths are
addicted to alcohol, smoking, drugs, pan masala etc

What's  pan masala?

It's  a useless, harmful substance chewed by   millions of ignorant people in India, Pakistan etc
It causes  cancer of the mouth .Nelson  Mandela  was a man of discipline, who followed a healthy lifestyle,
shunning  alcohol and smoking,  and  exercised  regularly. Some of the youth of today have the
bad habits,  eat junk food, and don't  engage in any physical activities. Worse yet, some of you
don't  read books.


We  shall try to improve.


If  you really  love and respect Mandela, try  to follow his example. I know, it's a difficult task, because   he  set  the bar incredibly  high, like  Usain Bolt in the sprint events. Ordinary  people
can't   attain that level, but it's our obligation to try.


We'll  try hard.


Merely  singing the praises of Madiba isn't  enough. Do something good, and try to help others.
Otherwise  our words would be hollow. It's always difficult to match  words with deeds. The greatness  of   Madiba is rooted in  his impeccable  track record of matching his words with
deeds. We can honour Madiba  by   practising  what we preach.

                                                    Appu and Ram

Sir, we will try to follow your advice.


I'm not claiming that I'm perfect. Sometimes I waver in my decisions and go astray. But it's my
obligation to try hard to be true to myself.

                                                          Appu  and Ram

We  promise to do all that we can, to make a contribution to the society.


I will be very happy if you  stick to your words. Bye.

                                                        Appu  and Ram

Bye. Have a nice Sunday.




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