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A Thousand Lives in Others ( poem )


( A  poem  by my niece, Sr.Laly Jacob Moloparambil.She  teaches English at Mt.Carmel
Higher  Secondary  School, Kottayam )

Thrown  on the ground  rough  and  dry
Abandoned  and  uncared,
Lonely  and  forgotten
I felt an urge to break through  my skin
Broke  through  I did a seed  in the hard  soil
Broke  through I did to  grow a  stem to produce
Leaves, petals,blooms and  blossom.

Day   dawned,Sun  set, clouds gathered  in the sky,
Raindrops  fell  on the green meadow,
Winter peeped in ,Spring showed off
Summer  cracked  and  dried up
I  performed  a miracle, a pink blossom
                basking  in the sunshine
The caresses  of the breeze made my  blossom  quiver
As  I blossomed out gently  and beautifully,
Bees  buzzed, fed on the nectar in the flower
Bees  hummed, sang,danced kissing  me
Gently  as everything in me burst  with gladness,
Tiny  birds pecked at my blossom and
                                broke them off,
Flowers of all kinds expressed  their love,
With  a pretty  nod of their heads
Life was happy  and meaningful, everything was good,
Heaven  dwelt at my door,
It was great to be alive.
'' Surely these days will never end,'' thought I.
Alas  colors  faded, petals fell,
Gone  were the beauty  and  fragrance,
Gone  were the butterflies, bees and songs,
No  flower was I while falling on the hard  soil high and dry
I pitied myself, wept bitterly
" From flower to seed and  next?''
That  just can't  be,
" How can I die?' thought  I with a sigh,
But die I did , buried I lay in soil so hard and cold.

Suffering was my bed, sorrow my companion,
Suffocated,abandoned,lonely and broken
I learnt  to bear my pain, silent, unspoken,
Then came the rain,
Gentle, silent, soft and soothing
Something moved, God whispered in my ear,
" If you die a single death, you will live a thousand lives.''
I  surrendered myself into the embracing arms
Of  my Creator, and my  hard shell cracked,
I  sprang up hasty and shy-it was a new life,
Live, live to give, life to give,
A  thousand lives in others
Live to radiate beauty and goodness,
Yes, life is so full and purposeful.



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