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Nigeria's  president, Goodluck  Jonathan  and his  country  are going through  extremely   difficult  times, with daily bombings, massacres and
attacks on  schools  devastating  the North East  of the country. Due to
the  unfortunate  situation in Nigeria, it would be  worthwhile to delete
' Goodluck' from the president's  name, and  take it and  add it to where it fits most-Narendra   Modi, the new  Prime Minister of India. Good luck is shining  over  him, and  praises  are  showered on him. Even his detractors, stunned by his landslide victory, acknowledge  Modi's  immense  popularity.

Modi's  election victory  is the result of  hard work, with a relentless  campaign  that took him to every nook and corner of the country. Apart from this, good luck favoured him. First, his party, the BJP  won a majority
on its own. Otherwise  things would have been very different. Two  regional
parties, the   AIADMK led  by Jayalalitha, and  the  Thrinamool  Congress  led by Mamatha  Banerji, won 37  seats and 34 seats respectively. If Modi
hadn't  got a majority, he would have had to  beg the spinsters  for  help.
Both  Jaya  and  Mamatha  are  unreliable, arrogant  partners in a coalition, as  proved by their track record.

India  is a country of paradoxes. In a country  where the institution of marriage is a steel-fortress, some of the most popular  leaders are  'single'.
Atal  Beharee  Vajpayee, APJ  Abdul Kalam, Jayalalitha  and  Mamatha
top the  list. Now, Narendra Modi  has joined the list. He is ' married', but
'single', a  situation very  difficult  to explain. But, as a Catholic, I can understand  it  perfectly. Joseph  was married to Mary, but he was single.
Why? Joseph   had  other priorities. His role was that of a guardian for
Mary  and the infant  Jesus.

Narendra   Modi has  other  priorities  rather than  family matters. He has
devoted  his entire  time and energy  for  state matters. This is a sign of good luck for the country. A 'single'  Prime Minister is ideal  for India. India
is better 

without  a  ' First  Lady.' In  some countries, family matters and state matters merge, and spouses  interfere in state matters , regard the country  as their family property and  ruin it, as in the Philippines, where Imelda  Marcos  wielded   excessive power and influence, and  stole the country's wealth.

The  bogey of  Modi  as a threat to the minorities of India is no longer workable  because  Modi  won the elections  with  the votes of minorities also. In him I see Joseph, a humble man who knew the dignity of labour. Narendra  Modi had  humble beginnings, working as a tea-vendor.
He  was not born  with a silver spoon in his mouth. That's why  millions and millions of  ordinary people  voted for him, hoping that he would be their  guardian angel in the years ahead.



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