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Scams  involving  eminent  persons  in the highest echelons  of
  society  is nothing  new.The latest  revelations of the secret
financial  dealings  of eminent  thieves is  the Panama  Leaks, in which shocking secret  and illegal financial  dealings of politicians, sports  stars  and other public figures  have been  leaked on a daily basis , sending  shock  waves  around the world. More bombshells are on the cards.The  prime minister of Iceland has lost his job, due to his alleged  hidden  wealth.

It  remains to be seen whether  any VIP thieves will face the music
in the Third  World. For a long time, there has been talk of trillions of  dollars  hidden  in Swiss  banks by Indian  VIP  thieves, but no
action has been taken against the offenders. No matter  who is in power, these thieves call the shots,and pooh pooh the laws of the
land. The politicians, bankers and VIP thieves have formed a nexus,and manipulate  the laws of the land with impunity. For instance, Vijay Malya, an Indian  tycoon , was  given huge amounts
of  money as  loan by leading  Indian  banks. Malya  defaulted, and
was  allowed to flee  the country, without any questions being asked. The investigation and actions in this case are merely a farce to  hoodwink  the general  public.

Hundreds  of millions  of people in the Third world suffer due to
lack of clean drinking water, healthcare, quality education, housing,
sanitation, roads and other basic needs. The usual excuse is lack of
funds,which is a travesty of the truth. National  wealth is looted and
safely  hidden in tax havens. At  the same time, the common people
are taxed heavily. For example, when the oil prices dropped, the
governments  didn't  pass the advantage to the common people.

The  looting  of  national  coffers  is not a new thing. This is an ongoing  thing, involving heads-of-state, multinational  corporations, arms dealers,global  syndicates,money launderers
etc. Sani  Abacha, who was dictator in Nigeria  from 1993 to
1998,stole $ 5 billion.This is only the tip of the iceberg.

About 500 Indians are reportedly  in the  Panama  Leaks.As per
tradition, they will laugh all the way to the bank and back. The
common people are condemned to suffer endlessly in their desperate  struggle to make ends meet. The  status quo is ''  rule by
the VIP thieves, by the VIP thieves and for the VIP thieves.''


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