Today Is heave a sigh of relief because the longest month of the year is coming to an end.Some people might question the validity of my statement because there are many other months of 31 days. I view January with a South African perspective. There are three reasons that make January very long.First, it's related to money matters. In South Africa, ordinary people struggle to make ends meet. Actually, we,the ordinary people are the real Struggle veterans. In December, salaries are paid early, and our personal coffers dry up very early due to the demands of the festive season, Christmas and New year, in quick succession. This results in a long drought in money matters.There's a long wait for the January salary. This situation makes January the longest month. At New Year, I made some New Year resolutions,which I broke within a few days like election promises. One resolution was not to drink any beer in 2016. But I gave up after a few days due to the unbearabl...