( This poem is a tribute to Sr. Amala, who was found dead in a
convent at Pala, Kerala)
Sorry, Sister Amala, very sorry to mothers,wives, sisters, girls,
That are added daily,
To the statistics of the murdered,
Added to the never-ending list,
Of the innocents slaughtered daily.
Victims of unspeakable brutality,
Victims of newer and bolder methods of killings,
Experimented successfully, with impunity.
Battered,mutilated, tortured, burnt alive,
Strangled, stoned,abused,shot,
Traded like cattle, as slaves,
Showered with scalding acids of hatred,
Abducted,gang-raped, impregnated, abandoned,
Chopped and stuffed neatly in suitcases,
Baked in ovens,thrown down from skyscrapers,
And killed to preserve 'family honour',
The saga of bloodshed goes on.
Nowhere is safe, home, school, bus ,nursery,
Nowhere, the agents of Death wait,
Under the shadows,unchallenged.
Sorry, Sister,the long arm of Evil,
Reached your holy home,
Sorry, we didn't anticipate,
Sorry,we didn't know,
That Evil was so near.
Sorry, we didn't hear your cry.
But the echo of your cry,
Has woken us up,and we promise,
By all means, we'll fight Evil,
To the last drop of our blood,
Until he is wiped out,
From our midst, and the innocent shall sleep,
Not in graves, but in their homes,
And they shall live happily,unafraid.
* * * * * *
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