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                                                       SCENE 1

( An examination  hall in Kerala. About  30 people of different
ages  are seated. Paper 1 of the M.F.( Master of Fraud) Examination  is about to start. Among the candidates is a young 
Sikh. Enter  the invigilator.)


Good  morning  candidates. Are  you all ready ? We are about to
start. Please remember, don't  try to do anything  funny.I mean,
copying. I have zero-tolerance in this matter. Do you hear?


                      Yes, Sir.

( The  invigilator   distributes the question papers. As the candidates  open the question papers, there are signs of unease
on their faces.Some of them look at each other,some look at the ceiling,and some look far away. The  invigilator moves  around,
eagle-eyed. He  notices  a young man who is very nervous and 
is trying to  adjust his left shoe. The invigilator  goes near him)


Any problem  with your  shoe ?


 No sir, nothing.


You  seem to have some problem  with your left  shoe. If the shoe
pinches, you may remove it, and  write  comfortably.


No Sir,there's  nothing. 


Let  me see. ( he  removes the left shoe, displays it and shakes it.
A bunch  of papers  fall down )


( Mockingly)  So that's  where the shoe pinches. I hereby confiscate
your shoe and these papers. You lose the shoe,but you get the

Very  sorry  sir. Please forgive. I forgot the papers inside the

Shut up, you  master  fraudster. Out of my sight!
(  exit the candidate, limping . The  examination continues.
The invigilator paces  back and forth, extremely  vigilant.
He  notices a young lady who shows signs of nervousness.
He  goes near  her.)


Any  problem, madam ?


No problem, sir.


Any  discomfort? 


Nothing, sir.I am OK.

( The  invigilator goes  around, comes back behind the lady,and
views her  from different angles, suspiciously .He notices  something  hidden in the lady's blouse.He goes near her)


Madam, what's in your blouse ?


Mind  your  words. How can you ask such a silly question?


I'm asking, what's hidden  in your blouse?


It's  none of your business. I'll  charge you for  women abuse
or 'peedanam'.


I  have to do my duty. ( He phones  somebody. Some minutes
later, a lady invigilator arrives. She escorts the candidate lady
outside. She returns with a bunch of  papers.)

                            Lady  Invigilator

I  recovered all these papers from her blouse. Essays, notes,summaries etc etc .(hands  over the papers,and exit)

( The invigilator  walks  around. He  notices that the Sikh is
nervous and  confused, and is always adjusting his turban)


Are  you  sick?


Yes, I am a Sikh. 


I didn't  mean that. I was asking whether you are ill ?

No,I'm not.


Any  discomfort with  your turban ? It seems it doesn't fit your
head. Let me help you to fix it.


No ,sir. Thre's no problem.

( The invigilator  checks the ID of the Sikh)


You  are  Jose. How come that you wear a turban ?


I recently   converted to  Sikhism.Now I am Ranveer Singh.


No matter who   you are, I have to check your turban. Please
remove it.


No,I  can't. You are hurting my  religious sentiments.


Remove it. ( he  forcibly  removes the turban.Lots of papers
fall from it.) With all due respect, Sardarji, get out of here.

Sorry  sir.Please let me continue.


No excuses. Get lost. I'm sick and tired of you.
       ( exit 'Singh'. Enter the Chief  Examiner)

                  Chief  Examiner

How is it ? Is everything under control? Any problem ?


Everything  on track,except for some abortive attempts at copying.

 ( The Chief Examiner  inspects everything. He checks the ID
of the Invigilator.)

               Chief  Examiner

You are Gopan,the  driver of the Vice Chancellor.How come that
you are an invigilator here?


Sir, nowadays  life is very difficult . One can't  rely on a single job.
The Vice Chancellor  kindly appointed me as an invigilator so that
I get some extra money to make ends meet.

                  Chief  Examiner

No, this can't be allowed. This is corruption .I will have none of that.


May I ask you a question?

                Chief Examiner

What ?


Are you not P.C.Koppan, General Secretary of All Kerala
Vazhiyadharam Party ( AKVP). I have seen some public meetings 
of yours,where the street dogs,vagrants and madmen vastly outnumbered  the general public as your audience,to listen to your
empty rhetoric?

              Chief Examiner

Tut, speak  softly. The truth is, when the ruling Front  divided
positions, we got peanuts ,as we are a splinter party.That's how I got this appointment. 


That's all right. Anything  can happen here in 'Thattippu Nadu'
( Fraudsland). After all, they are writing MF,Paper 1. We are
suitably  qualified to conduct the exams.

( both laugh )

( Curtain)






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