To comment about AAP' election victory is like carrying coal to New Castle,or in Malayalam,
'' കൊല്ലക്കുടിയിൽ സൂചി വിൽക്കുക '',because much has been discussed about it.
AAP's victory is similar to some spectacular performances in sports,like Bob Beeymon's Long
Jump record in the 1968 Mexico Olymics, Nadia Comenecci's perfect 10 in Gymnastics in 1976,
and the record-breaking sprint doubles in recent years,of Michael Johnson and Ussain Bolt.
Clean sweeps such as AAP's victory is often seen in countries under one-party, authoritarian
regimes as in North Korea, China,Syria etc, where the ruling party or the dictator gets a 100% victory in stage-managed,farcical elections. In such countries, the parliament is a rubber stamp
in the firm grip of the dictator.
The landslide victory has laid a heavy burden on the shoulders of Kejarival and AAP. After
5 years, when they face the electorate,will they get 70 out of 70? This is the big challenge
for AAP in the five years ahead.
This election proves beyond any doubt that the people of India aren't followers of any
political parties or leaders. The people no longer believe in empty promises. When they
become disillusioned with political parties and leaders, they punish them mercilessly,brutally.
In the next 5 years, Kejariwal should live in fear of the people, because if he fails to deliver,
he will be punished by the same people who gave him a massive mandate. This is a very positive
aspect of Indian democracy.
In a Kerala perspective, all the major political parties are red-nosed.The humiliation is shocking.
The AAP victory has unleashed a tsunami of jokes ridiculing the Congress, BJP, CPM etc.
Malayalees aren't easily impressed by cartoons and jokes ( മസ്സിൽ പിടുത്തം ), but
this time ,the laughter is spontaneous! For eg,the jokes using പൂജ്യം . Thanks to all
cartoonists and individuals for relieving me from മസ്സിൽ പിടുത്തം .
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