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( This  play  is based  on the recent ,unsuccessful  campaign  by
the LDF  to  unseat  Mr KM  Mani, Finance  Minister  of  Kerala )

The  characters

1.  Shaji              A  mimicry   artist

2   Mini               Shaji's   wife

3 Mohan             PRO  of  Gutternet  News Channel

4  Babu              A leader of  Revolutionary  Democratic   Party ( RDP)

5  A  liquor  tycoon

6  Gutternet    newsreader 

                                 SCENE  1

(  Shaji's  modest  house. Mini   gives  him  a shopping  list. Shaji
 reads  it with  increasing  uneasiness. He knits his eyebrows)


We  have to  cut  the  chicken.


Of course. We should  have it  cut in large  pieces  ideal  for  chicken
biriyani. It's  ages since I ate  chicken  biriyani.


I didn't   mean that. I  mean, chicken  should be cut from the list, or
plainly, excluded.


Why ?


Are  you  living  on Mars ? Aren't  you  aware  that  Kerala is plagued
by  Chicken  fever or Pakshippani, and the people are advised not
to eat it ?

If  that's the case, replace  chicken  with  beef or pork.


They  are  even  worse. There are reports  of cow fever  and pig fever.
Let's  avoid  all kinds of meat until  the crisis is over, and become pure

My God, is there anything  in Kerala that's not  associated with fever ?
Rat fever, dog fever, donkey  fever, election fever, examination fever,..


You  left out the most serious fever  of all, human  fever.

What's  that  ?


I  pity  your poor  GK. Human fever is that fever which affects  a person
when he/she is unable to  make ends meet, ie when you are in deep debt.

Oh, now  I get it. Shaji, if you  can't  afford  chicken or beef, say it
frankly. Why  beat  about the bush ?


Sorry  dear. I am a human- fever sufferer. The symptoms thereof  are
sweating, shivering, high BP, nightmares, lack of sleep etc etc, when
I behold overdue bills, bounced cheques, reminders, eviction notices,
disconnection of electricity , so on and so forth. I'm a fugitive on the
run from Blade Vasu, the money lender, whom I owe Rs 3.5 lakhs.

So  you want us to be poor  vegetarians, not pure vegetarians.How
many  times have I told you that you  wouldn't   prosper relying
on  mimicry. You  must find a reliable  job to survive in these hard times.
 Don't  put all your eggs  in the same basket. The mimicry  field is
saturated with  hordes of mimicry  artists.


Don't  underestimate  me. Fortune will  favour me one day. Every
dog  has his day.


You  don't  impress much because you  do  Mani  Sar's role. You know,
the market is dull for Mani  Sar. There's high  demand for the roles
of VS and Oommen  Chandy.


That's not my fault. My body and features fit the role of  Mani Sar.
Somebody  is coming. If it's  Blade Vasu, tell him I am on tour.( exit)

      ( enter  Mohan  and  Babu )


I'm  Mohan, PRO  of  Gutternet  News Channel. This is my friend,
Babu, a leader of RDP. Where's Shaji ?

I shall  call him ( exit, and come back with Shaji )

 ( Shaji  and  the visitors introduce to each other)


Be seated, please.

We shall  go straight into the matter because it's urgent. We are on a
joint  venture to produce a CD, to highlight the bribery  charges
levelled  against  Mani  Sar, to add fuel  to  the fire.


Isn't it a  risky  venture ?


What   risk ? We  have identified you as  the best mimicry artist to
do  the role of Mani Sar. You  just follow  our script, parrot-like.


  I  fear  that this  'bar kozha ( bribery )  issue ' could put me behind the
bars. Well..why do you  want to tarnish  the image of  Mani  Sar ?


That's our objective. We know fully that it's  impossible to unseat him.
But ,at least  we can do the mudslinging. His 50th anniversary of
assembly  membership  should  go to the dogs.


It's a  sort  of  psychological   warfare. Suppose  10 lakh people
watch  our  programme about 'the  bar kozha'. 4 lakh people won't
believe it. 2  lakh viewers  would remain  neutral. The other 4 lakh
viewers  would believe  our story, and would  hate Mani  Sar. That's
a big gain.


But how can we  do such a thing ?


Time  is passing. You must   decide now. Or else, there are hundreds of artists  dreaming about such a  chance.


If  you are  willing, we offer  you  Rs 5 lakhs. Make hay  while the sun


Let me discuss  the matter  with my wife.

(  Shaji  and Mini  move to a corner, and  whisper . Shaji  comes  forward )


I   agree.


That's  good. Take this 2 lakhs  as  advance. The  balance  will be paid
upon  release  of the CD. Please come immediately  to our studios
 to  start the rehearsal.


Ok  sir.

   (  exit  Mohan  and  Babu )


Are  we  going to  land in trouble ?


Not at all. Nowadays, even the  street dogs shun  CDs.


Then it's  double Ok.

( He counts  the money excitedly. He lifts Mini, swings her around,
and kisses her.)


What  are you doing?  People might see us.


Who cares ? This is the age of  public  kissing.


Even so...


You  can rewrite  the  shopping list, including  whatever you like.
Include  some  Karimeen  and prawns.


Ok, da 

               (  Curtain )

   SCENE   2

It's   news time  on  Gutternet  TV. Music  and visuals. BREAKING
NEWS  appears  on the screen. The  newsreader  appears.


We  are in possession  of a  CD  containing  visuals  of  Mani  Sar
accepting  kozha ( bribe )  from a  liquor  tycoon. We  are going to
show you the  shocking  visuals as ' Exclusive'.

(Scene  changes. A  mansion. The  bribery  room  in the mansion.
There are  many  signboards on the wall, eg PAY  YOUR  BRIBES
HERE, ' NO   REFUNDS', 'NO  RECEIPTS' etc  Enter  Shaji, dressed
as  Mani  Sar. He  sits  behind  a large  table.

Enter  a  liquor  tycoon  carrying a  heavy  bag. )

                     Mani  Sar

Have  you  brought  the Rs  two  crores  as  agreed upon ?

                  Liquor  tycoon

( very  nervous )  Very  sorry, sir, I could only raise Rs one crore.

                Mani sar

( very annoyed) That  you can go and  announce  in the  streets
of  Kozha. If  you want the bar licence, the full  two crores  must
be paid. That's  final.


I  apologise, sir. The times are very hard. I will  definitely  bring
the balance  next week.
     Mani  sar

Let me make it clear. We  Palans  ( people of Pala)  are very  strict
in money matters. We don't  like 'if's  and 'buts'. When  kozha  money
is agreed upon, it's  sacrosanct. No apologies, no exemptions, no loopholes.. do you  hear?


Have  mercy on this  poor  tycoon..

Mani  Sar

Then  give the damn,  one crore.

( The tycoon  puts the bag on the table. He  takes out  bundles of
100-Rupee  notes)

Mani  Sar

What  nonsense  is this ? Don't   you know that  kozha  money  should
be paid in 1000 Rupee notes ?


Very sorry  sir. The  bank  didn't   have  enough  1000 Rupee  notes.
You  don't   need to count all these. These are bundles  straight
from the bank.

Mani Sar

I told you, we Palans  are very strict with money. If my wife gives
me some money, I count it. I  should be extra careful  when I accept
money from  crooks like you .


I  shall help you to count.

Mani  Sar

But  I can't   count on you. You  don't   worry. ( takes out a
counting  machine and puts it on the table). Specially  imported
from Switzerland. Counts  1 crore rupees in 5 minutes. Identifies
fake notes.

( He puts  the notes in the machine. Red lights  flash and beep sound is heard  at random . )

Mani Sar

It's done . Total  amount : 9945600.  You  may  take the fake notes
for petty
  expenses. ( Gives the fake notes to him )


Thanks so much, sir.

Mani Sar

Don't    forget to  bring the balance. Otherwise you will be barred from
running any bars, do you hear?


Ok  Sir. I won't   forget.

(   Curtain )



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