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October  12, 2014

These are dull, monotonous  days in Delareyville. The main reason is
the absence of any sign of rain, even as the second half of the month
is approaching. Early  rains usually  bring  much  relief and  comfort, but
this year the rains are reluctant  to shower blessings  on this small town.

The  dust-storms which blew throughout   yesterday  wreaked havoc in the
form of  dust, leaves, seeds , soot etc rising  from the open fields nearby.
The  worst part is  the litter  dumped by irresponsible  people, in the open
fields, and in the  bushes. This is a common  practice in the Third World.
Some  people are unwilling  to  buy the cheap  black bags to  put their
waste, and they throw the rubbish ,in the most  cowardly  manner, at odd times, and in public  places.

These  people are rubbish. Their  rubbish is  carried by the wind, to the
yards  of  law-abiding, tax-paying, toll-paying, fine-paying, account-paying,
decent  people.

In Delareyville, there are no strict laws that  prohibit  littering. Many
people  aren't   aware that  littering is a dirty deed. Yesterday, I watched
helplessly  as  plastic bags, used food trays, used tissue etc etc  flew
random  on the road, some  settling  on fences, and some flying  seeking
a thorn or  branch to settle.

Some so-called  'decent' people  are indeed  rubbish. Today, I found
evidence of this. I saw to plastic bags  dumped under a tree. They were
full of empty  bottles of  Heineken  beer( 600ml) , the most expensive
of all beers, as far as I know. There were empty  bottles of  Nederberg
wine too. Total:  12 bottles of  Heineken, and two bottles of wine. From
the evidence available, I began to  deduce a profile of the culprits.Most
probably, there were two young couples on a picnic. I'm sure they are
not natives of Delareyville,because Heineken  is beyond  our means. But
because it's  my  favourite beer ( even on Emirates flights) , I buy
one or two bottles at some warm weekends, from Tops near Spar.As demand  for Heineken is very low, only  a few bottles are on display.That's
why I am double sure that  the culprits weren't  natives of Delareyville.

Then, who were they ? Maybe  they were Grade 12 students celebrating
the end of the October  holidays. To relieve the stress of the forthcoming
examinations? Most  probably, they had bought the drinks in Pretoria
or  Johannesburg, consumed them on the way, finishing  one Heineken
in 30 minutes. They  came via  Lichtenburg, and the drinks were finished
by the time they  approached  Delareyville. When they  saw signs of littering  in the town, they  decided to dump  the bottles in our street.

There's  another angle to the identity of the culprits. Maybe  they are natives
of Delareyville, who wanted to destroy the evidence before reaching  their homes. Whoever  they are, they are rubbish. I say this because  I had to
carry  the  bags and  dump them  far away  from the residential  area.

They  were  most  probably  children of elite families  without
civic sense.



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