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Showing posts from October, 2014


MY   SECURITY  UPGRADES Narendra  Modi  took  the initiative  to  clean up India, which has been  warmly received  by the people,including  the elite  and the man in the street. It's a good thing to emulate the example of a country's  leader or leaders. In South Africa, the emphasis  is on security  upgrades, because it's the most  worrying  factor in this country. Littering  tarnishes the face of cities and towns, but that problem gets a backseat  because the  first priority  goes to protect  oneself  from thieves and robbers, who operate 24/7/365  with  impunity. President  Jacob Zuma  set a  good example  by  carrying  out  security upgrades at  his private residence  at Nkandla, at a cost of  R 256 million, allegedly at  the taxpayers' expense. Whatever  be the source of the money, securit...


IT'S  NOT EASY  TO ACCEPT   DEFEAT An accused  person in the dock never admits  that he is guilty of the crime he is accused of. His  lawyer would try  all the tricks in his legal arsenal   to get a ' not  guilty' verdict. In politics and in sports, the same trend  prevails. In the elections held in Maharashtra  and  Haryana, the Congress  was  thrashed. Yet, all sorts of  arguments and  statistics are put  forward to cushion  from  the shock of the  defeat. This is a  common  practice  of all parties, including  the BJP. The  arguments  go like this: "  We  got fewer  seats, but we have increased  the percentage  of our   votes.'' " The  BJP  played  the communal  card, and misled the people.'' " We  got  fewer   seats, but  our support base is...


October  12, 2014 These are dull, monotonous  days in Delareyville. The main reason is the absence of any sign of rain, even as the second half of the month is approaching. Early  rains usually  bring  much  relief and  comfort, but this year the rains are reluctant  to shower blessings  on this small town. The  dust-storms which blew throughout   yesterday  wreaked havoc in the form of  dust, leaves, seeds , soot etc rising  from the open fields nearby. The  worst part is  the litter  dumped by irresponsible  people, in the open fields, and in the  bushes. This is a common  practice in the Third World. Some  people are unwilling  to  buy the cheap  black bags to  put their waste, and they throw the rubbish ,in the most  cowardly  manner, at odd times, and in public  places. These  people are rubbish. Their  r...