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 Shaji   was in  Kochi  for three days, on an assignment  from his 
 company  to conduct an audit  of the local branch. He had  left his wife ,Smitha  and  his 2 -year daughter, Mini, in his hometown, Trivanndrum.
The little girl, Mini ,was  so close to  Shaji  that  she always  opposed
his  tours. Even his going to work every day  was  against Mini's  wishes.
She  compromised only because her mother was a housewife, and didn't 
go to work. At  the weekend, Mini was very happy  because  she had her
 father  entirely  under  her control.

On the  second  day  of  Shaji's  stay  in Kochi, a  sudden  ' Bandh ( Shutdown)  was  announced  by the Opposition  Alliance, apparently
to  protest  against  ' police  brutality'. As  usual, the organizers of the
' Bandh'  exempted  newspapers, milk , weddings and  funerals.

The   city  was  paralyzed . A  few  private  cars, bikes  and autos  were
seen  on the road. Generally, the people  didn't  dare to  travel, for fear
of  stone-throwing  and  intimidation.

Shaji   took  the risk  and  went  to the  office. Many  workers  were absent.
He  worked extra  hours  to  finish his work. He  wanted to return  early
in the morning, on Saturday. Otherwise  Mini  would be cross with him.
He  had to keep his  promise.

The  Bandh  was  from 6 a.m   to  6 p.m, according to  Kerala  custom.
Even though  the deadline  had  passed, that day  was a ' write-off '  because
it  started  to rain. The  streets  were deserted, except  for a few cars, bikes
'autos' and a few unlucky  travellers who were  stranded  in the city due
to  the 'bandh'. Some of them were carrying  heavy  bags, and were looking
for  'lift'  to  reach  their  destinations.

As  Shaji   entered   Golf View  Road, the  rain intensified. The  wind and
rain   wreaked  havoc, pounding  the  windscreen, reducing   visibility.
The headlights  and the overworking  wipers  were no  match for the
invading  downpour. Despite the poor visibility, Shaji   spotted  a young
girl  on the  sidewalk, with  a heavy  backpack  and  a bag in the left
hand, looking back , looking  for  a  lift. She  waved her right hand, begging
for  a lift.

' Must  I  help this  helpless  girl? Does it concern me in anyway, if this
girl is  in difficulty? In this  land of  gender  segregation, anything
associated  with  women is  fraught  with  risks. Even if a woman  bled
to death, in view of the public, no one  would  dare to help, for fear of
dire  consequences. Why  should  I  help? "  Shaji   thought, and drove
past her.

After  10  metres, Shaji   slowed  down  because  there were some big
potholes  in front of  him. Due to the heavy   downpour, the  potholes
were full, and  they  were  linking  rapidly, forming  a pool. The  girl
thought  that  Shaji   had  stopped  for her. Close to the left side, Shaji
saw  the dizzy   figure of the girl. He opened the door  quickly, and
the  girl  got in. She  was about  20 years old, and beautiful. She wore
blue jeans  and  white  T shirt.
''  Where to ? "  Shaji   asked.
''  27, Golf View,''  the  girl said.
'' Coming  from?''
" From  Bangalore. I  am  Bindu, IT  student. My  parents live at 27, Golf
View. "
"  I  shall  drop  you there.''
 After  a   few  minutes, Bindu said,
"  The   house  on  the  right  side.''
It was  a  big  compound, with the name ' Adarsh'  written  on the gate.
The  rain  was  pouring  unabated. Bindu   phoned  her  father.

Shaji   had no intention to enter the compound, but  he obliged due to
the  merciless   downpour.
The   automatic   gate  opened. It was a  big  compound , with  mango trees
and  coconut  trees. A  1980s   sort of mansion. An old Mercedes  was
parked in the  garage. A  tall man, about 70 years old, and his  wife, about
45 years old, emerged  from the house.

''  Why didn't  you  call  from the  Railway  Station? I could have
come  there to  collect  you,'' the  man said.

"  I didn't  want to put you at risk,''  Bindu  said.

The   couple  helped Bindu to carry her luggage  into the house.
The  man  introduced  himself.

 "  I am  retired   Major  Raveendra  Varma. This is my wife , Karthika
  Thampuratty. Of  the famed  Poonjar  Kovilakam. Thanks  for helping
   my  daughter. Thanks  for  all the trouble  for  dropping her safely  here.
   You know, nowadays a girl isn't   safe in Kerala.''

   The  Major  was  a  towering  personality, like the veteran Malayalam
   actor, Jose Prakash, in some of his  positive  roles, as  captain, doctor etc
   Some old characters  flashed through  Shaji's  mind, and he tried to
  pinpoint  that  character. Like  Jose Prakash, Raveendra  Varma  smoked
  a  pipe.The  huge  age gap  between   him and  Karthika   Thampuratty
 was  an anomaly. Maybe , a  late marriage, or a  second  marriage.

   ''Glad  to meet you. I'm   in a hurry.''
    ''  Please, have a cup of tea. Please....  ,''  Major  said.
     There  were  old photos  of  Major   displayed on the wall. All  in
      military   regalia. There were medals, cups and certificates in the

      ''  Took  part  in the  Bengladesh   war  of  Independence. Witnessed
         the   surrender  of the Pakistan  Army,'' Major  said, pointing
        at  a  photo  on the wall.

         ''  Great,'' Shaji  expressed  his  admiration.

         They  talked for  some time. When  Shaji  rose to  depart, Major
          said,''  You  are  staying  nearby. Aren't  you  bored with  hotel
         food? Come  on Friday for  dinner  here. Have  some  homely
          Kerala  food. Karthika  is an  expert cook. She even  published
          some  cookery  articles  in Vanitha. Please  come,''

         "  Thanks, Major  Saab. I appreciate your kind gesture, but  I
           won't be able to come. My  schedule can change anytime."
            While  in the  office, Shaji  received  an SMS   from  Bindu.

             "  Daddy   told me to remind you  about our  invitation  for
                 dinner. Pls   don't   forget.''

            Shaji   reluctantly   decided  to  go to  Adarsh  in the  evening.
            It was  7 PM.  Bindu   opened  the door.

            ''  Welcome, uncle. Have a  seat.''

            She  was  dressed  very  attractively. She looked  prettier than
            when  she was on Wednesday.
            Her  parents   weren't   present.

            "  Daddy  and  Mummy   went  to  the  house of an uncle  who
               died of  a  heart -attack. They'll  be  back  soon in a few minutes,''


             "  Alright.''
             " Uncle, what  would you  like to drink while  we wait for them,''
             " Not now, thank you.''
             ''  Just  something   soft, to  pass time ? The dead  person was an
                 army  colleague.That's why they had to leave in a hurry. Be

              Bindu   brought a  small  tray  containing  a  glass filled with
              Sprite  and a small packet of  cashew .

             Shaji   sipped the  Sprite, watching  TV.

           Slowly   he  felt  a strange  sensation of  dizziness. ..a dreamlike
           experience. He was  falling  from outer  space, to  the  Earth, which
           was  down,  shining   like a  silver  soccer ball. the  fall was not
           scary, but it was great fun, with  red rose petals, balloons and 
          multi-coloured   feathers  surrounding  him. Bindu  joined  him,
          embracing him  tightly. Her body was  slender like the  stem of
          'Chembu', smooth  and  cool. She wore only a gossamer-thin ,white
          nightie, with the front  fully  open....  even  that one slipped as they
          landed  on the  earth.

         Shaji   woke up from  his  trance. He was  startled, realising that
        he was on a bed, naked. Major  Raveendra Varma, Karthika
        Thampuratty   and  Bindu  were  nearby, laughing.

       " What's  going  on? What  have you done to me ? ''  Shaji  cried.
       Major  said nothing. He  placed  a laptop  on the bed, and  played
       a  CD .

        Shaji   turned  his  face  away  with revulsion, as the pornographic
images  unfolded.

       "  This  CD  is  worth  Rs 1 crore, but  I shall  give you a discount
     of  50 %. I  give you  one week to  raise the money, and bring it
     to  Hotel  Sea  Shells  before  8 P.M, next  Saturday.''

    "  No, no, no. That  is not possible. How can  you, a member of the
      noble  family of  Poonjar  Kovilakam, do  such a heinous  thing
      like this.''

      "  What  Poonjar,  what  Kovilakam ?" Major  laughed, and removed
        his wig.

      ''  Don't  report  this to the police. If you do that, you and your family
         will  be  an addition to the accident  statistics. A  small  family
         hit by a  Tipper  lorry.''

        Shock waves flooded  Shaji's  mind. He  left in a hurry.

        For the  next few  days, Shaji  was a changed man. He was always
  deep in thought. He couldn't   pay attention to anything.

   Shaji  couldn't   concentrate on anything. " Why  did this misfortune
   fall on me? Did  I  do anything  wrong? What  to do now ?'' he
  asked  himself.

   "  Daddy  doesn't   want to  play  with me,'' Mini  complained.

    Shji   locked his  car keys  inside the car. A  mechanic was called
 to take it out. While  reversing, he hit  a  flowerpot, and broke it. when
he saw the broken pot, the scattered soil  and the exposed roots, he saw
it as his own present state.

Shaji   weighed  his options. First, to disclose everything to Smitha. But
would she believe his version of the events?  Second, raise the Rs 50 lakhs.
But where's the money. Third, to solve this problem by ending his own

He  opted for the third option. Friday, at  dawn, before the  Saturday  deadline.

4.30  a.m. Shaji  went to the bathroom, unnoticed by Smitha. He  raised
the  poison  bottle  to his mouth. Suddenly, he heard a cry from the
bedroom. He hid the bottle, and rushed to the bedroom. Mini  was crying
at the top of her voice.He  was suffering  from  some kind of severe
stomach pain. Smitha gave her some medicine, but it didn't  work.Both
parents tried to soothe Mini's pain.

" Let us take her to the hospital, '' Smitha  said.

At the hospital, Mini's  pain  subsided.

" Why  did  the little one develop a pain  when I was going to die ?
Did  some mysterious force hint to her that her Daddy was going to die?

It  meant that Mini  needed her Daddy. I was a coward to abandon my wife
and my child. I must disclose everything to Smitha, '' Shaji  thought.

Time  was  passing, and the deadline was  approaching. Finally, he
mustered  the courage and faced  Smitha.

"  I  have a terrible thing to disclose to you.I am  sorry I didn't  disclose
this earlier. I was  wrong in keeping it as a secret for long, "  Shaji said.

'' Tell me, whatever it is,''  Smitha  said.

Shaji   narrated the  whole  story. When it was over, there  were some
minutes of silence.

"  You  did nothing wrong. Let's  rush to the Police Station  and report
this matter  immediately,''  Smitha  said.

They   drove  to the Police Station as  fast as  it was possible.

*                             *                           *                     *












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