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Appu,where are you?(poem)

Appu,where are you? (poem)

( I returned from a one-month long vacation in India on 15th January.My cat was missing.)

25 January 2013

Ten days have passed,
Since we came back
But you are not here
It was your custom
To be back in 2-3 days.
You had your calculations
And intution,to be find us here
After a long separation,as usual
But this time,did your calculations
Go wrong?Or did we calculate wrongly?
As days pass by,my heart beats faster
Fearing the unthinkable
I'm ever alert,day and night
Eager to hear your miaoo sound
And to feel your affectionate rubbing
On my feet,to see your acrobatics
And scratching on my feet

Celebrating our reunion
Are you gone for ever
Into the dark unknown?
The beacon of hope still burns
Though with less glow
Now I realise something amiss
Some accident,or something sinister
Or did you reject me,being annoyed
For my long absence? No, you can't do that
You were born here,and brought up here
You have your roots here;this is sweet home
Then why don't you appear?
Did you stray into eternity?
Never to return,never to reclaim your kingdom?
Hope is still alive,burning like 'amar jyothi'
Haven't we heard incredible stories
Of trapped miners returning to the surface
From the dark,unfathomable underworld
And of people buried in the rubble of earthquakes
Hauled alive,even after 30 days
So I hope,one day you will surface,miraculously
Kannil ennayozhichu njan kathirikkam
Oru suprabhathathil ninne kani kanan.

26 January,2013

It is Republic Day.What a happy coincidence that the Republic Day is on
a Saturday.Besides,it's a special day in South Africa for teachers,having
received our salaries on the 25th,with the 'moneynadam' on the cell phones,
after a long gap.

At 6.15 a.m,I heard a 'miaoo'sound outside.I opened the door and looked around.Appu was staring at me.I was greatly astonished and relieved.I went
near him expecting passionate expressions of affection.But he moved away,making some complaining sounds just like the one he did when we were
about to depart on 14 December.As I moved forward to coax him,he moved away
faster,and disappeared.I called him repeatedly,but there was no response.

I didn't expect the negative response from Appu.Anyway,I was very relieved,
because,at least,he was alive and back.Later,I went to my portuguese friend
Johny's cafe and bought one litre fresh milk and a can of high quality catfood.I called Appu again and again,but there was no response.

At 11,30 a.m,I spotted Appu under some dry flower plants.As I called him,he
withdrew deeper among the plants.I showed him the dish full of fresh milk,but
he was not interested.With gentle touches on his body,I coaxed him into moving near the dish.Finally,he licked the milk.But his body language showed
utter displeasure and resentment.

With gentle touches,I appeased him again,and we were friends again.

I learnt a lesson from him.He has very strong feelings,and he is able to express them.He knows how to protest,and even to embark on a hunger strike.
I can't bribe him easily with fresh milk,even if he is starving.He has taught me that I should never underestimate or ignore him.He remembered me even when I had forgotten him.

The following conversation took place between Appu and me.


Now you have come back with nice words and fresh milk.I'm not impressed.Where
were you for one full month? Did you ever spare a thought for me? You left
without making any arrangements with Johny for fresh milk.I was here every
alternate day.Paul,your gardener,gave me some tasteless catfood.You already
know that I don't like that cheap stuff.


Sorry,da.I had thought about arranging fresh milk for you.Unfortunately,on
the day of my departure,I was so busy with preparations that I forgot it.
Furthermore,you have a habit of absenteeism.Last year,you were here once in a
blue moon,just like some of our parliamentarians.Often,I used to keep milk
and catfood for you,but due to your absence,outsiders consumed it.The root
problem is your womanising adventures.


That's none of your business,man.


paul told me that you ate all that cheap stuff.


I had no option."Gathi kettal puli pullum thinnum.(If there's no alternative,
a leopard will eat grass)


Sorry,man.In future,I shall make sure that you are well fed.


I'm fed up with your empty promises."palam kadakkuvolum Narayana,Narayana.
Palam kadannu kazhinjal koorayana,koorayana.( while crossing the bridge,you

say Narayana,Narayana,but after you have crossed,you say koorayana,koorayana.)


Take it easy,pal.Let bygones be bygones.


Ok.Let's forget the past.

( we shake hands)


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